Dirk Wyse

The goog already has streaming music, it's called YouTube.

here's a new song I wrote today using some dope free music software I downloaded free:

Maybe the goog will get Skrillex the Emo and Deadmouse the Asshole to be their spokespimps.

If you're looking for "good vibes" I suggest anywhere except the Internet.

In a world where you can only "like" and never "dislike" - well, don't expect much.

Their "service" benefits their advertiser clients, not their users.

Five stars! Very true.

Look for the root, not the flower.

"though Facebook is technically playing by the informed consent rules, it's a pretty shady way to go about it" = the way the entire tech industry operates

Call up the Sinaloa Cartel and see what they'll deliver to you.

You tech people are incredibly naive. Amazon, big deal. Just wait 'til the Sinaloa Cartel gets a few hundred thousand small, inexpensive drones to deliver their products wholesale and retail!

Yours is the only good article ever on Jezebel.

"We need to ask what's keeping people from gaining entry to the high-tech world of gadgets and internet pipes that a privileged segment of our society have enjoyed for years." Because, money.

Just "boobs" would probably work for most of the readers on the Internet.

We were promised flying cars that fold into briefcases in the 1960's on "The Jetsons," along with robot maids and treadmill dog walkers. Yet 50 years later we have none of these. But we do have snapapp, whatschat, slingpoke, secretpic. Amazing.

Brogrammers - saving the world by disrupting the low-quality pictures of bodyparts industry with their genius ideas. Snapapp, whatschat, slingpic, pokechat...the world so urgently and desperately needs more of these phonedork apps. Wonderful to know there will be more and more and more forever and ever and ever