
“Secret Squirrel” is a stupid term used often times regarding the jobs of people who work for NSA, CIA, FBI... Etc. Basically anything requiring a Top Secret clearance. It’s annoying.

This summer, I had a sex dream about Rob Ford (yes, that’s the crack smoking ex-mayor of Toronto). In the dream we were married, and had people coming over for dinner in 20 minutes - so I convinced him we should sneak in a quickie before our guests arrived (yes, I convinced HIM). We then proceeded to have intense sex,

Just to clarify, I would not fuck Ditto the Pokemon.

I was thinking about this issue, of cisgendered male actors playing transwomen, and it occurred to me that it might be emotionally difficult for a transwoman to play both roles in a movie like this, both the pre-transition and post-transition role. It isn’t that I don’t think they should be cast, obviously that makes

But he can step off making fun of Ina Garten. That woman is a damned good cook, and her recipes always work. You know if you’re using something she wrote, it has been tested to within an inch of its life and the results are reproducible. Sure, she’s privileged, but she owns it and she is good at what she does.

hannukah menorah.

Ya, but isn’t it always much easier to size up and dismiss the anxieties and traumas of others than it is to effectively listen to a perspective you don’t have first-hand access to?

FTR, I want everyone to know not ALL profs and departments are like this. Our grad students were some of the first to report hate speech they were seeing on yik yak (and have done it before) and our chair responded with LIGHTNING speed allowing us to do what we needed to do or felt comfortable doing to keep our

As a teacher myself, that professor’s response makes me fucking furious. How hard is it to say “Dear Jasmine, I would be happy to have you make the test up sometime next week”? This guy will be rightfully eviscerated for his absolute lack of tact and, more importantly, his lack of concern for his students’ safety.

1) Call an ambulance and the cops

girl same

Then you are just as guilty re: sexism as those CIS white males I am sure you detest. You doubt what you have note experienced yourself.

I’m 35 and we are just about to try for our second BabyStu. I’m terrified I’ll get pregnant and the doc will say, “yay, it’s triplets!”

I have had actual nightmares about this.

Right? I start doing the math in my head and I’ll think "maybe I conceived 11 months ago?”

i was just blaoded, i wasn’t pregnant

see this kind of story is why I lose my mind if my period’s two weeks late even though I haven’t seen a dick in a year

This also brought up the (non?-) issue of having holiday products showing up in Canada before Remembrance Day—11 November, for all you ‘muricans. Someone on the Starbucks Canada Facebook page suggested that Starbucks ought to make a Remembrance Day themed cup. I replied with something simple like “why do you want to