
The only words I read were Jesse Williams. He’s hot and smart which just makes him hotter.

Here’s hoping! And the lady who sits next to her is probably praying for just that.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Huckabee further argued that since the Supreme Court does not have the authority to make law, it would be unconstitutional for Davis to issue same-sex marriage licenses.

I really really wish that every blog post about Kim Davis would mention that she’s an elected official. Important, because SHE CAN’T BE FIRED. Say it with me, kids: she can’t be fired!

I am very disappointed with this. It used to be I could claim that the reason I didn’t go to Ranger school is because I am a woman and wasn’t allowed to. Now I have to face the fact that it is because I am woefully underqualified and hilariously incapable. Damn feminists, why do they keep ruining my fantasies by

I don’t know ... I don’t wear make up and still get carded when I try to buy wine, but I’m in my mid thirties. I dress much more professionally than many of the professors here, and part of that is to be taken seriously without having to wear makeup. I’m a librarian, but teach sometimes, and I want the students to

Was I supposed to not?

did you just +1 your own comment?

The article isn’t about whether you “give a shit” or not. The article is about whether it’s defensible to actively bar entry to your country to someone because of the content of their art. That’s the question being posed. Not if you find the content of his music objectionable or not.

Theresa May is basically real life Dolores Umbridge. I’m not saying in this case her actions were right or wrong, but she does seem to take pleasure in passing down acts that she knows will cause annoyance or upset. Just thought I’d provide some context for any Jezzies unfamiliar with her.

I work at CENTCOM. Believe me, there are (mostly USAF) people in this very office who call their time here a “deployment.”

Wasn’t he like 2 years old in 1991?

You should drop by Charleston sometime! I blacked out at our alumni party last year. Its a serious party town.

My school got this designation sometime in 2007/08. Did you also happen to attend CofC?

Yeah, I’m voting for Sanders. IF I were a Republican, I’d go Kasich. At least he’s an adult and has some conservative but compassionate policies- cutting the Ohio prison budget by rehabilitating drug addicts in prison and setting them free instead of warehousing them for years. But Trump and Carson? This really is a

alpaca is not wool, duh! you wouldn’t use woolite! you’d use alpacalite!

Mine are going to be from the Capital and completely fucking useless.

I lost my uterus (I like to say “misplaced” b/c it gets good looks from people) a while back, and it’s a sucky thing to go through. Since I’m sure Kim K is scouring the Jez comments for advice, wink, here are some good things to focus on:
1. You’ll never have to buy tampons again, and you can re-purpose your existing