
In Florida its:

Can you dismiss my original comment? While all my friends and classmates who grew up overseas see it as the national unity thing, I understand the neo-Nazi angle and how it is offensive. Sorry.

As long as he didn't say Führer.

If only this happened later in the summer, there'd be a SNL skit out of this.

This! I posted Deutschland uber alles on my FB page and got a super long rant from a family friend in Bremerhaven. Chiiiiiill out.

Prince Harry says Prince George looks like "a young Winston Churchill,"

Laramie, WY's DQ is brand new and doesn't have burgers, yet it's the only dot in town, while we have 2 McD's, a BK, a Wendy's and a Sonic. Redonkulous.

Ugh, have you watched Dominion on SyFy? Anthony Stewart Head (who is generally awesome) is attempting some kind of Southern/ Midwestern accent? It's literally the worst attempt I've ever heard! Like he's mimicking Spike's fake American accent from Buffy.

I coached my nephew's soccer team with my sister (his mom), another kid's mom and a friend of ours (female). We had a pretty successful season for First and Second grade YMCA, but I was sure running up and down the field yelling "let's hustle guys!" "Pass, pass, pass!" "Move it, Little Bish, or I'm taking you out!" I

I always thought I would go with Luther.

After years of swim top snafus, I jump up and down in the dressing room to make sure the top can handle the Ladies. Why anyone would make a size 38 D swim top without a wire or uber thick band is BEYOND me. I can't imagine wearing a triangle bikini.

Only if you've never seen cocknballs before...

OMG, I cannot go back to doing my own nails. Shellac for life!

Copyright infringement! Yum! Foods knew I was working on Bahn Shop, a German fast food restaurant!

Man, I would climb him like a tree. An angry, angry tree. And then I would eat nachos.

No, no, I'm sure he's very important. I just think it's weird that that's the only class he teaches. The only professors who teach one class in my program are way old and are in transitional retirement. He's pretty young, though very busy apparently.

All he's taught in the last year is Advanced Topics in Jewish Law...

Noooo, Stalin and Hitler definitely didn't go to Harvard. Yale maybe.


Ugh, right? And I don't want to sound like I don't love my dad, cause I so do, but he's real nitpicky.