
Me too, what started as a lark has become a full habit now.

I literally never thought of eating them that way until I saw someone talk about it in the comments on the other Kit-Kat article and so I tried it to troll my Twitter friends and I honesty love it, I won’t go back to the other way.

I’m really enjoying the new kit-kat focus ‘round here

Well, the States can amend the Federal Constitution but really that’s mostly a moot point because lol this proposal is bat-shit.

That’s the sweet delicious beauty of 2016’s GOP party. You have to be a fucking reality show train wreck to win the nomination but a moderately reasonable person to win the general. It's kind of great, terrifying, but great.

Attractive? Idk, that man looks too much like Marco Rubio to be attractive...

This last line is disturbingly specific and I love it!

But he’s gotta get past the primaries. and as I wrote below, his down-and-dirty on-the-ground campaigning has been so half-assed. He seems to only be interested in swanky fundraising dinners. He may have half a chance in the general, but that means jack if he can’t get past Trump or Cruz in some of the early primaries.

oh she will be GREAT. I’ve never seen her acting on a subpar level and refuse to believe she’s capable of it.

The New York Times keeps acting so confused about why he’s not leading and then a day later will publish an article about how his campaigning is so half-assed that it doesn’t even seem like he’s trying.

And his girlfriend Julie was Asian.

He’s gotta be the one with half a chance in the General, right? And the one that won’t drag the party down on non-Presidential ballots.

Give me Miracle Whip or give me death. I am the white trash variety of white.

His daughter had the first account.

I’m a scientist, so I constantly have to convert back and forth between the metric system and freedom units.

What’s lovely is that they are usually applauding non-genetic boobage. While probably also holding the belief that women who have plastic surgery are “bimbos".

Be fair, I’m pretty sure those are aftermarket?

Now playing

It’s all about gravitas. We is srs news ntwrk, youguise.

Don Lemon continues to be the fucking worst.