welp, my day just a fuckton weirder .
welp, my day just a fuckton weirder .
I can't believe I ever liked this guy.
Lol my mom loves Anderson Cooper and she's not even that old. She is convinced they are soulmates because they have the same birthday. When she found out he was gay she was upset. Weirdly enough crushing on gay celebrities must be a family think because my stepdad said that his celebrity crush was Ellen DeGeneres.
If only the owned a coffee shop or something... I like cute kids, I like cute dudes, I like a good grande vanilla mocha- this would be my version of heaven.
ngl i would consider general proximity to that family to be the biggest blessing. just a fly on the wall.
My mom was one of those. She grieved for a bit and moved on to her next celebrity crush...Matt Bomer. She stuck with him even after I showed her the pictures of him with his husband and kids, though, I think maybe because the kids are so cute.
I was going to say, I thought everyone knew this about him. But I suppose people who actually watch his show might not overlap much with people who read celebrity gossip.
I can't understand my friends who are still able to get blackout drunk. Buzzed, sure. But blackout? No.
Youth is wasted on the young!
I'm 26 and 1 month ago I started having horrible hangovers from having more than 2 drinks with a meal.
If you're an adult in your 20s who's looking to become the most popular person in your social circle, you might want…
I missed these glamour girls.
Oh God. Last night my shiba decided he wanted to sleep RIGHT UNDER MY LEGS. Then, in the ultimate display of "animalsbeingjerks" he licked my leg in the middle of the night. I almost tossed him off the bed in a fit of disoriented grumpiness. When I realized the dog was licking me, I groaned and turned him on his…
Honestly, most people will probably just sit down and pass out before dropping dead. So that's a plus.
I was going to nitpick the headline, but you covered that in the last paragraph.
Hollywood actresses: We need more movies about women and PoC.
Pray tell, how the hell is it ruining women's lives if a woman steps forward and speaks out about abuse she's experienced? This, I've gotta hear.
Like I said, I understand his impulse to defend himself. I never say its unreasonable, so I don't know what to tell you here.
If his concern wasn't for the public, then why is he addressing the public in a blog post?
Yeah, I think I'd be a lot more outraged about that if it didn't happen so frequently the other way around, where victims are assaulted - or raped - and then disbelieved. Until her assault goes viral and ends up on national television, or some such like.