Clover, long time reader, first time arglebargler. This:
Clover, long time reader, first time arglebargler. This:
The only wrecking ball for Lindsey was that delightful little pan-skamp Miley. Disney always knew how to prepare them right, he thought as he eased into his bourbon laced with a touch of laudanum. “What ever will we do about this rubbish-talker Trump?” as he leaned heavy into the breast of a war hero in one of the…
“Good for you! I just get a bad funny feeling about Gladwell.
Even at the grave, we make our song!
Yeah, it’s just the more hippie dippie part of my brain that thinks “not natural.” Fuck that part, in this instance. Thanks for the link.
Yeah, Lisasaur, while I thought extinct, is correct: Depo. It’s got perks and downers. Might hurt your bones long term, no periods or babies though.
Excellent point. I can barely remember to feed my golden retriever.
I think I saw in The Coloradoan (FoCo newspaper) that Boulder was getting into some med testing and stuff. I agree.
Yeah, it really helps with my anxiety/depression/ptsd. Probably helpes my fattie joints not hurt as much, but eh. Plus, there’s been some good studies about how dropping acid and doing some therapy while tripping has —interesting and possibly beneficial results. My hippie friends used to either drop acid or take…
Malcom Gladwell makes me feel badfunny, but that sounds like something I heard or sort of read awhile ago (about less ovulation being better), but like I said —it’s the irrational side of me that thinks this shit, and irrationality isn’t convinced buy evidence. Rather, I need to get my rational mind back in control…
“Now that the becursed ones are back with their burden, their punishment from the Lord, over-regulation about parental time off has crippled our economy and needs repealed with the social programs for moochers. We love women, and we need to protect them and their kids by protecting them from these kinds of frivolous…
Yeah, that’s a fucked up distribution of burden. I mean, at Mrs. Hippie’s PP, they always just call her in. I’ve seen another dude or two waiting. I mean, maybe there’d be a way to ask her —on the forms maybe— if she wouldn’t mind if they call in her “apparent dude friend” to have a chat about what this birth control…
I get why Whoopi wants to defend him, and denial isn’t just a river in Egypt. Plus, like, she’s had some fucked up things happen to her —to skew her view, but, like, she needs to shut the fuck up. If she doesn’t get that, a producer needs to be like, “when they start talking about Cosby, you stay quiet, and when…
I wonder if you had a genie (rewatching The X-Files, and came across this ep.) and you wished that for, like two years, dudes would carry and deliver kids. After that, back to normals. I wonder what the fuck that would do to the patriarchy.
Oh yeah, me too. I had a vicious cold, and some antibiotics knocked that the fuck out. Plus, years of not pulling out and not one of God’s unwanted little miricles. I do buy some of the hippy shit about cannabis and hallucinogens being good/needing to be studied (esp for mental illness stuff), but like fuck and anti…
It’s not post hoc ergo propter hoc. See, and I think you and I would categorize:
Yeah, that’s sort of how I understood it, thanks for being so clear. I’ve read and been told there’s no medical reason before —but, I mean, look. “hippie” is in my name, and some irrational, stoney part of my mind occasionally is like, “but it’s not naaaatuuurrall.” I tell that fucked to shut up A.S.A.P., but it’s…
I hate that dudes, and white dudes especially, need like —one of their tribe, or some bullshit— to explain it, but frankly it’s so fucking important —it’s almost at whatever it takes. Plus men can speak out while simultaneously there can be criticism that women speaking out should be given more credit. At least that’s…
She used to have super bad cramps and pretty heavy periods, and the Depo means she totally misses them. She fucking loves that, I hear IUDs can lighten and maybe do that too. Sometimes I worry about the health implications of that, but we’ve sort of bought into the “better to burn out than fade away” style.