
Kinja sounds racist.

I'm not prepared to say what definition of transgender is appropriate or how broad it really is, but I imagine there are some that would not prefer it to be a catch-all.

I think Pat, as a character, did have a gender they identified with from birth, but it just wasn't clear to observers what it was.

I never thought of Pat as trans. A person of ambiguous gender, yes, but that's not the same thing. I also never thought of Pat as the butt of the joke. Those sketches never inspired me to think less of trans people either.

And give her a thick accent she doesn't really have, but makes racists laugh.

I never made any statement about whether it was serious or not. It was just mean and sort of racist.

What I never understood was why they were so vicious to Jennifer Lopez.

Hardwick wants to spend his time developing his relationship with NBC, I'm sure. More money there.

Or South Park which is less interesting to me because it's been on for 20 years.

Walker is a basic bitch.

What is he going to do at Fox? Be the mascot? Jason the Woodchuck.

I hope she says "I ain't got time to bleed!"

I guess Munn. The twist on the franchise being the predator is bested by a woman. Feminism is a great gimmick these days.

They have money, but not for Jake. He doesn't put butts in the seats.

A lot of high-waisted pants and sweating.

Shane Black: I will be keeping all the monies, but enjoy the craft services!

E'rybody in da club gettin' titsy!


The Kessel Run involves the Millennium Falcon jumping this space shark. Just hear me out!

I get that reference!