
If you're serving Tostitos scoops, you should have chili cheese dip. That's the classic pairing.

The lyric does say "I hope someday you'll join us" so I guess the "us" is John and Yoko.

I am less concerned with political labels as I get older as see them exposed as less than meaningful over and over. If this experience of inequality is new to you, welcome to the world. Let's acknowledge men feel it less than women here and now and give them this because it is not hurting anyone.

I did no name calling. I presented my opinion that a few "women only" events are no threat to anybody and shouldn't be attacked as inequality until actual equality genuinely exists making this sort of bonding and empowerment exercise unnecessary.

Obviously, you don't know me and I'm fine with that.

So I assume you and those genuinely outraged or even a little bothered by this are trying to take down the existing all male institutions of which there are many.

Faux outrage meant only to troll a traditionally oppressed group is mental illness. A few "women only" events is not a slippery slope to the subjugation of men as a class.

At least their "melt down" doesn't entail rotting democracy from the head down.

Little Debbie has awesome crumb cakes. Hostess is mainly sugar without much other flavor.

Collateral damage is only acceptable if it's the other side. They weren't sent over there to kill Russian kids.

So now what? We watch Anderson Cooper just giggle to himself on New Year's Eve?

He should know his dad is just a character on TV.

Let me put on my wig! I need to look like a castaway!

Black goo.

I'm not trying to be funny, but maybe it was erotic auto-asphyxiation gone wrong.

Did you ever see him on Detroiters? It's alright, but maybe too zany for me.

What I thought was great about Son of Zorn was that titular character who is in High School was played by a 35 year-old.

The two-parter with Al Capone had good jokes and the guy playing Capone had a good comedic take on the character.

I gave APB a chance. Watched three episodes, but it was all gimmick and that wore thin quickly.

It's not a party without Produce Pete!