
I... had to Google Nick Kroll.

“...and if you needed the facilities during a dinner party, you’d use a chamber pot behind a screen in the dining room.”

Some EXCELLENT new plastic surgery was had between seasons.

I hope someone adopts both the child and the dog. Poor baby, I can’t believe the mother wasn’t arrested. What a good dog. Probably was just like “No ones gonna feed this human puppy? You should be ashamed of yourselves” lays down to feed the human puppy.

“When Michelle and I came into office....”

I live in a house with guns (husband is a hunter) and my parents own handguns, which they’ve stated is about protecting themselves and their home (we live in TX where you can conceal-carry pretty much anywhere. They both have guns strapped to their driver-side seats). I’m not shocked by, offended by, scandalized by,

Tortas are better than everything.

What if she was diabetic and off her meds, would that be okay to talk about? Maybe we need to quit thinking about mental illness as a dirty little secret that needs to be hidden?

This entitled housewife looks back at her impressionable child and calmly says “She is yelling because that girl deserves it, the service is terrible every time we come here.” And then she looked me straight in the eyes.

At the sound of any dog noises, Adorable puppy cries included, my dog loses his fool mind and acts like we are facing some sort of WWIII level attack. He’s so sure we need to reach for the nukes, and I’m like ‘ buddy, its a YouTube video’. Occasionally he looks embarrassed.

If they fictionalize it, a blowsy Alicia Silverstone will play her. DJ Qualls, the husband.

IT IS. I got engaged Saturday and found myself immediately and INSTINCTIVELY doing the “look at me giggle with my fingers over my mouth to show off my ring” as soon as there was a camera in the vicinity. I felt like a freakin’ idiot when I saw the pictures.

For the record, this is how Jughead was waaay back in the day before he became just some glutton with no real point other than being a glutton around the late 80’s early 90’s.

I am 9 weeks pregnant and have tried to give up BCO due to some serious food aversions but I just can’t turn away.


Fuck you, Mrs. Mosby,” one gang member said in the courtroom after his guilty verdict earlier this year. “I just smiled,” Mosby recalls.

Except Ferrari guy. In the midst of all this evil-minded douchebaggery, Ferrari guy seems cheerful and benign.

It takes a special kind of idiot to elevate an artificial caramel based beverage into an aggravated assault case.