
Ten recommendations and I'm still in the grey? What, do I stink or something??

There is one woman I know who is hoping they make the right decision on this. She was raped as a youth, and had to endure the horror of telling her parents only to discover that when she became pregnant by the act, they refused to allow her to abort.

If we do the right thing, we put the power of reproduction (or lack

Oh great, another person giving bad advice about how to spot "weak" arguments. Before you can point out someone's poor logic, you need to be able to recognize good logic, and know why it's good. Then spotting bad logic is pretty easy — it's anything that's not good logic.

Also calling an argument "weak" is in and of

It's sad most people don't realize that people on Pinterest don't actually DO any of the stuff they repin. They just see something cool and repin it. Pinterest is just like Facebook for people who love to hit the "share" button.

I would argue that feelings of inadequacy are squarely on the user, though. I pin examples of complicated quilling aaaallll the time, but I know that they are way beyond my skill level and that it's never going to happen for me. Ditto for recipes. I am not a good cook and we are restaurant people. I think that women

I know, I definitely have to get better at that.

I feel a bit better, and I fully endorse your comments!

I've been waiting all day for Open Thread since I have a situation. I've recently been promoted to manager and am working with an employee who wants to transition genders. Does anyone have any advice on how I can be firm with my other employees about using the proper pronouns?

Haha, I have a champagne glass, does that count?

I'm having a mega pity party.

I just might go grab my favorite Chardonnay now! lol.

I really dislike the song "Big Yellow Taxi" by Joni Mitchell. But I like Joni Mitchell. For instance, Case of You is goddamn brilliant.

Thanks :) I'm thinking about helping my cousin today and I'm realizing I did a great thing for her. It will get better, that's what I have to say.

Since you all gave awesome moisturizer suggestions last week, I am back for more. What is everyone's favorite sunless tanning product? I have only tried drug store brands, and I cannot get over the smell. I am prone to migraines, so I need something that has a minimal smell that disappears quickly or no smell at

The rain at 1:25 made me want to be cosy in a tent somewhere (preferably with a warm, lovely, sweet man and a view of cheetahs. The former is optional.)

Now playing

Oh my gods, everyone watch this! If you don't think this is awesome, I don't understand you.

After years of meaning to get around to it, recommendations from a few friends and way too much time on Tumblr, I started watching Supernatural. Not only have I gotten through a truly unhealthy number of episodes, my new crush on Jared Padalecki has gotten ridiculous. I had to start rationing Supernatural episodes

I don't know what's been wrong with me lately. Usually I'm super energetic on the weekends, and get all my work done. Not this weekend. I was the same yesterday, but I was a bit less blue when I saw my friends last night. But I haven't been sleeping well lately (nightmares about random things), and I'm already prone

Anything with Bowie AND Oldman gets an A++++ in my book, on the nose, overdone or unoriginal, I don't care. Justgimme. Also, Bowie has been original and unique enough in the past to allow for some old man blah now and then. I say give him a pass.

If you've forgotten, just make a reservation at her favourite restaurant or plan a nice outing for next weekend because "it'll be less packed and easier to have a proper conversation", it worked for me last year and I surprised her with flowers and we had a really great night, and she was really touched even though I