
The thing is, season 2 did such a great job with 19 episodes, though. I'm not sure they're even capable of doing a mediocre season.

Basically, they gradually amped up their radiation resistance by being in space during those 97 years, IIRC, which means they don't need to stay there as long this time around.

The "weird Force stuff" is, in fact, from Dawn of the Jedi, as is Bendu himself (itself?). Force Storms were common events on Tython, a planet on the Deep Core that deeply influenced the Je'daii Order and its successor, the Jedi Order. Basically, the planet itself demanded balance in all things, and Force Storms were

I'm pretty sure that when Evie's henchmen grabbed Sarah at the laundromat, they were under the impression that she was actually Beth, something that corroborates your last point.

I really wish there was another episode to tidy things up, while also setting the table for season 4. Amazing as it might've been, this episode felt more like a ninth episode from Game of Thrones' seasons than a finale in and of itself, which is possibly the reason why it worked out so well.

That's what I expected, too. Everything about that scene reminded me of a character's suicide on Battlestar Galactica, so I'm glad they decided not to go down that road. I'm okay with The 100 being derivative every now and then, but that would've been too jarring.

That's what I'm hoping for, but with Octavia instead of Clarke. She'd be a better Heda, considering she's basically a grounder nowadays.

I feel like the only way I'd be truly able to get over Bellamy's involvement in the Grounder Massacre would be if they showed us a flashback of that night, in which Bell basically follows the rest of the kill squad, horrified, while intentionally missing every target. Id est, the controversial No Russian level from

A banished prince of an elementally named nation who has to capture the very dangerous protagonist in order to regain his honor… I can't help but wonder if someone on The 100's writers room is an Avatar: The Last Airbender fan.