
Ahh it's so good! I haven't seen the second season yet cause I cancelled my netflix, I'll re subscribe for the next season of OITNB and catch up on HOC then!

Oh no :( The CW definitely have at least twice as many romantic subplots as they need in every show.

Ugh that sucks about your land lady's mom, I don't understand people who think they can get plumbing type jobs done for next to nothing. Everyone's gotta make a living.

Love Misfits! The first couple of seasons are fantastic, I really miss that show.

Everyone in my class is obsessed with the walking dead - I miss out on so many conversations by not watching it!

Haha my bad! It does look like a cool show though, and I mean it's on HBO so I trust it.

That sounds delicious! I've never actually had either of them because Ireland is severely lacking in the delicious cereal department but I'm guessing they're great.

Oh Arrow was the next thing I was planning on watching! (This thread is making me realise how much tv I watch.) I've heard people raving about it so much, what's it like? Standard CW fare (I'm kind of down with that)?

Oh is the Leftovers any good? I saw the ad and it looked kind of cool (terrible name though).

Damn, I want that. I haven't had pizza for months and it's definitely wearing on my soul.

The Borgias is on my list! So much tv, so little time.

Ugh, that sounds delicious. I wish I had the patience to cook. (Hence the brownie in a mug - I barely even had the patience for it to cool down.)

Happy Saturday! I'm (finally) watching The Fall, and eating a brownie in a mug. What are people watching and/or eating tonight?

Something similar happened in Ireland recently. A woman sought an abortion at around 8 weeks in Ireland, under the (pathetic) clause we introduced last year where you can have an abortion if you're suicidal, and she was jerked around by the national health services until she was about 25 weeks pregnant, at which point

Fun fact: even though there is definitely public desire for a referendum to liberalise our laws, the government refuses, because we had a vote. In 1983. I'm not making this up. Literally no irish woman of childbearing age now was old enough to vote then, but the govt just keep saying "no y'all voted against it."

Um, am I missing something? What part of this is an honor system? Like is there just no one behind the counter?

Oh god, Victarion's chapters. They are so dull I ended up more or less skimming them. Though lots of people LOVE his chapters for some reason.

I actually wouldn't say so. Dany, Bran and Jon are the only characters that seem (to me) like they need to be there to the end of the series.

Sorry to be that guy, but it's Gillan, not Gillian!

It's a bit of a grey area in Irish law - once the foetal heartbeat stops, doctors are allowed to remove it. Also, if the woman's life is in >immediate< danger they can abort. But this obviously leaves a good bit up to the interpretation of the doctor... I suggest you google "Savita Halappanavar" for a look at the