
Just finished Narcos and segued straight into Jessica Jones without even needing to go back to the “Browse” page. Thanks, Netflix, you know me better than I know myself.

Nah, you know it’s gotta be Jeremy Piven.

It’s not so much of a thing in Europe. I’m Irish, and while Irish people don’t like being called English, it’s more of an underdog thing, like New Zealanders not liking being called Australian, or Canadians not liking being called American. It’s not a racial thing. I would definitely never be offended if someone

Rue is black in the Hunger Games books.

Kate and Cait should be pronounced differently - Cait is supposed to be pronounced like “Kawtch”.

RIP. Does anyone know what ever became of Amanda (and her cousin Amy) in the photo above? Google’s not giving me much.

You phrased that a lot more politely than I could have. I’m so sick of people commenting on the articles about marriage equality being like “uhhhh Ireland did you know that abortion is illegal in your country?” And it’s like, yeah, we fucking know. As if it’s something that we, like, haven’t realised, and all it’ll

Centennials, apparently.

We learned about the other world religions as part of religion class in Catholic school! This was in Ireland though, could have been part of the state curriculum.

IT’S SO WEIRD! How did we get erased from the term that’s meant to specifically describe us?? It doesn’t seem to happen to Brits or Germans or anything.

Seriously. I’m from Ireland and read that like “...are Irish people known for being mean?” before I realised it’s probably an Irish American thing.

I've been there. Glad they left you alone!


Of course. I suppose I’m just a bit jaded. It’s the kind of thing you hear so often from different quarters, it’s hard to muster up too much feeling about it anymore (for me, anyway). Plus, I mean, Jeremy Renner seems to be an absolute manchild anyway. I would probably have been more bothered if Mark Ruffalo (or god

I see your point, and I guess we all have different things we take offence to. I suppose it just seems like a throwaway joke - I mean it’s a pretty unfunny joke, but fairly victimless too, and not really particularly deserving of a million different articles and official apologies and what have you.

EXACTLY! I’m side-eyeing ant-man so hard already. And they’re doing another fucking Thor movie.

I feel like I'm falling into two camps here. Like, honestly the outrage over it feels kind of... Manufactured. It's like people heard it and were like "Oh, here's something we can be pissed off about." Like a dumb joke in an interview doesn't deserve nearly this much attention.

Every time I see that list I have to check that Marty Scorsese is still there. And it is like a punch in the face every time :(

I say this as a non-American, so I have no idea how Republicans there are feeling at the moment, but... would they really be willing to vote ANOTHER Bush into the White House? I mean, I know it’s been 7 years (!!!) but still...

What??? Don't tell me George was an asshole!