David Alexander McDonald

The invasion has been thwarted, but this is hardly a victory for the good guys”

Spoilers, Motherfucker, you DO speak it.

I don’t go into a recap not expecting spoilers, obviously. But you get this subheading just from a list of “Latest” and I haven’t seen the ep yet.

I yell from the greys: Do better guys.

He still had his Stark leg braces in the funeral scene in Endgame. He doesn’t have them in FAWS. I theorize he was going in for surgery to fix his ability to walk and got nabbed between both projects.

If this is the best writing a human can do, then bring on the AI overlords and tell the WGA guys to find work at the Starbucks they are walking by.

Do I mean Bradstreet or Barsanti?


I have a comment that I think is still in the grey’s that explains when the Rhodey Switch probably happened based on his leg braces. Post Endgame Pre FAWS

I can see the Kree-Skrull stuff being mentioned in The Marvels, what with Fury back on the station by then.

Ghost wasn’t on camera at Endgame...and neither was Abomination (who was listed in the Harvest). Could they have been there? Sure. As for when Rhodey was taken, my take is simple: Post Endgame Pre Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Here is my evidence: Up to and including the funeral scene in Endgame, Rhody is wearing the

with the help of Sonya, who is apparently just a straight-up good guy despite all of the mean stuff she seemed to be doing earlier.

So we’re just ignoring the north African outfits in background folks, and the multiple signs in French and Arabic? Seems a lot more like Tunisia/Algeria to me. Tuk tuks are all over Africa, not at all an “Indian” exclusive thing.

As much as I love Indy’s gun fights (including the three Nazis one bullet gag in Last Crusade), I much much prefer his hand to hand, vehcile and whip combat. I’d be ok if they shifted more to non gun combat in this film, and as seen in the concept art we are getting at least one chase scene. 

Interesting. He’s returned to India and going up against Toht resurrected or a Toht cosplayer. Is this movie doing an Indy’s greatest hits sendoff?

Just, “Yay! Keep them coming!”

It’s Night to me, dagnabbit!

One more and they can finish out the volumes with A Midsummer Night’s Dream. That’d be a good capstone to the season. I don’t expect they’ll do the Element Girl story because superheroes.

And yet, the same mistake twice.

“Dream of a Thousand Cats." It's right there in the trailer you linked.

I didn’t know Mark Millar commented on Gizmodo

...everyone better catch up on [Doctor Strange’s] other appearances (especially No Way Home)

I love how Feige is treating Disney+ as his arthouse studio where he indulges in some experimental stuff. Boy, Moon Lnight was certainly experimental and in a really good way. There has to be more Oscar Isaac and May Calamawy and given that stunning post-credit reveal, seems almost certain.

They did reveal him.  He’s in the psych ward with the other 2 personalities, he’s all beaten up with the big gash on his nose.

There is a third personality.  You see him all beaten up with the cut on his nose during the psych ward scenes.