My biggest disappointment: Sonya should have been revealed as a Pink Kree and been the one to offer the peace deal.
My biggest disappointment: Sonya should have been revealed as a Pink Kree and been the one to offer the peace deal.
Word Of God: this plays directly into Armor Wars, which supposedly includes Kree-Skrull Wars elements.
There’s two other links — Madripoor is mentioned and, the big one everyone missed but has been verified recently, the first blackout scene is happening in Latveria, and the castle we see is Doomstadt. Also, the name on the boxes behind the driver’s seat in the ice cream truck is deliberately obscured to read “von D”…
The biggest Easter Egg you missed here is that this is the MCU’s version of Avengers Disassembled, which led to House Of M, then Wanda’s very long redemption arc, which culminated in James Robinson’s 15-issue Scarlet Witch series — after which Marvel screwed the character up all over again.
It’s Shuma-Gorath but they used the name of Gargantos (who’s very similar.)
Nope, not even written yet.
At this point it’s a. Doted that AoS is another corner of the multiverse, post about season 3.
They robbed Kyle MacLachland blind on Twin Peaks: The Return.
Nope, we saw Jake and he’s exactly that…aggressive, loud, brutal, showing up with a bandage across his nose and blood on his face…and he’s very direct with Harriw.
There’s not really a damnation in Egyptian mythology. It’s just oblivion, the destruction of the soul.
The show gets a lot right with the Egyptian mythology, too, but also switches things around (the Weighing comes before the Barque, and failing Ma’at means Ammit swallows the soul…and oblivion follows.) Some of this is for drama, some for convenience, some part of the show set-up (though they show Osiris active, so he,…
We’ve seen Jake in this episode.
We actually got Jake in this episode, and he’d fit with your thought - when Marc is zapped back to Harrow’s office he shows up with a bandage on his nose and traces of blood. He speaks differently, has a different, tougher accent, and his attitude is way more aggressive.
It’s more like 75% of e. Coli — the 50% in the various creatures, plus 50% of what then remains. Otherwise…correct.
Funnily enough, the only one of the main TV shows that’s *definitively* at-best MCU adjacent is “Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.”, and then only after the first three seasons. It finished up at least several timelines away, though, and a candidate for a TVA reset. “Cloak & Dagger” and “Runaways” are a bit grey-area, but could…
They need to keep Jack around. He needs to meet Mantis so we can have the MCU version of the Celestial Madonna arc…which will be hilarious. Especially if Gunn directs it.
He is, yes, plus there’s the idd thing that this is supposed to be the 4th wall breaking She-Hulk, so I wonder if they’re going to tie this to the multiverse. The MCU is unchained!
If I recall it’s actually *very* quickly mentioned in the film.
One of the Haim girls, so it’s probably nipples everywhere (at least one of their videos has all three in tank tops and panties throughout and it’s, errrr, highly distracting.)
I’m finding it harder and harder to give a damn about this series, honestly. I could defend it up to a point, but now…not really, no.