David Alexander McDonald

Essentially, people with mental health interventions on their record will be flagged with that information, with links to the records in question. This will come up in a call opf this kind, regardless of the reason for the call, and the dispatcher will act accordingly. There *was* a time when non-Police intervention

"My hair always looks like a hedgehog has been humping it."

It was created as a stand-alone graphic novel. It fits into X-Men continuity but it’s complete in itself.

Oddly enough, the equally famous DAYS OF FUTURE PAST is just about as self-contained, and the regular collection it’s in has everything you need. The story itself is just two issues.

It was created as a stand-alone graphic novel. It fits into X-Men continuity but it’s complete in itself.


Install the PC or Mac app, and that’ll do it, or set the delivery for the Cloud Reader, which will also do it, or if you have an Android or iOS device, install the Kindle app there, and direct the download there, or set up a ComiXology account and link it to your Amazon account. Then you can use the ComiXology app to

Install the PC or Mac app, and that’ll do it, or set the delivery for the Cloud Reader, which will also do it, or if

You can use Guided View on the Kindle app as well, now.

You can use Guided View on the Kindle app as well, now.

Huh, all of a sudden I’m in the greys on Lifehacker? How’d that happen?

Hulu lost the Criterion Collection last November. That’s now on FilmStruck, which is the TCM streaming thing (Criterion is an additional tier.)

"I'm happy, I hope you're happy too."

I've said repeatedly that Windom Earle was apparently intended for Burgess Meredith to play, rather than Kenneth Welsh. Earle is pretty much the evil version of Meredith's Cameron from the series SEARCH.

You're saying they Kirked it to the curb?

It wasn't the premise that was too weird, it was just a show that sucked like a Kirby with a lead who was 95% unlikeable and several comedic fun bombs who were never given any material they were worthy of. When one of your episode plots is about finding out who took a dump in the executive shitter, your show is

I see no problem whatsoever with referring to antivaxxers as bioterrorists. I don’t care which way they lean politically, they’re bioterrorists.

And once again, the bioterrorists win.

So, basically a pastiche of Big Daddy doing one of their rock & rolled sideways covers?

“Seriously, are we not doing phrasing anymore?”

“Seriously, are we not doing phrasing anymore?”

Unfortunately, Best Buy...they’d dropped the price somewhat, so while I was shopping for other stuff, I picked this up. I’m not overly concerned, just amused. I’ve actually seen it fairly cheap on eBay these past few months.

Unfortunately, Best Buy...they’d dropped the price somewhat, so while I was shopping for other stuff, I picked this

With the way the rights are organized with ANH, it may be a while before that happens...Disney hasn’t offered Fox the right amount of money yet.

With the way the rights are organized with ANH, it may be a while before that happens...Disney hasn’t offered Fox