"My parents are deaaaaaaad!"
"My parents are deaaaaaaad!"
He's peeing in the reservoir, isn't he?
Be glad...it could have been Michael Caine. Who'se playing the Mr. Waverly kind of part as an elderly Harry Palmer in Kingsman.
And McCallum's success led directly to the introduction of Chekhov on Star Trek.
Seven Brides For Seven Starfleet Officers!
Damn, man, you're a little old predator, ain'tcha? I know your type all too well, and you're all pretty much witless scum preying on the weak and hopeless.
Damn, man, you're a little old predator, ain'tcha? I know your type all too well, and you're all pretty much witless scum preying on the weak and hopeless.
It's a Jack Bauer Bag Of Holding!
Reminds me of my second winter in Vermont. Went to bed one night with a nice little snowfall going on, and woke up to find the house buried to the eaves. We had a fifty yard long loop driveway that would be ploughed out regularly by a local contractor (one day's effort buried one of the garages and the woodpile) and…
Apparently something poofed this into the light a few hours early...I'm seeing a lot of broken links, too. :(
Surf's Up took an awful lot of glee in killing off male parents....
And Netflix has a blanket deal with Marvel for *everything*.
"30 cm (120 inches)"
I thought Stephen never had the time to write his script?
Mind you, if the word about Paramount's beard-mutterings is in any way accurate, they stand a good chance of killing the Star Trek franchise altogether, and god knows they'll alienate the few remaining long-term fans altogether.
Well, if Paramount wants to put an accent on Keenser and amp up his role, we might finally see old Deep Roy becoming a star. Poor bugger's been on the fringes for decades — I seriously think his breakout role would have been the Mekon in the aborted 1980s Dan Dare film.
Actually, it's a reference to the real-life story from which Pratchett drew his own reference for Discworld.
Gravity also popped up as a freebie in my Google Play library.
It's turtles all the way down!
The Amazon reviews aren't promising. Also, I see this is DVD, not Blu-Ray, and as I own the first five seasons as DVD sets...nah, I'll just complete the collection as I go on.