yes, how dare he do a facebook response for the third year in a row after her nationally televised response. the gall.
yes, how dare he do a facebook response for the third year in a row after her nationally televised response. the gall.
pelosi is a cancer.
This is incredibly old (by internet standards) news. They have been known thieves for years.
Y’all still watching this garbage?
so the perpetrator of the sexual abuse is the real tragedy and not the victims?
I want this kid and his shitty parents to suffer.
It is really so embarrassing to be white.
my eyes are being opened and my mind is being blown.
what a Raider smells like?
I’ll add my category: Best Podcast Survival After the Departure of a Major Star and I will award it to The Bugle which, after the departure of John Oliver, has managed to get better and funnier thanks to the revolving cast of guests and the sad reality of Brexit.
does Shaw have the power to sabotage them professionally? i really doubt it.
He is half Mexican and half Puerto Rican.
Whenever people make fun of me for being a flat-earthers, I feel like they might as well be putting me in a concentration camp.
fuck him. fuck them.
Michigan finally voted for a Hillary.
If only people hated the system that created and facilitated our current president as much as they hated the man himself, we might see the motivation necessary to create substantial change.
either that or all of the bombs he dropped on children
The only substantive satisfaction that will be available in November of 2020 will be the long anticipated schadenfreude of watching Trump lose. We will still be saddled with his SCOTUS and whatever feckless, corporate whore the DNC picked to run against him.
I think they think less of him than they let on because they view it as a pragmatic step to keep/expand their personal wealth. I refuse to believe that anyone with close personal access to this man can honestly have anything positive to say.
You don’t have to be white to be an idiot.