What the fuck does that mean? Neither the city nor its citizens hired him, asshat.
Look at the bathroom of the drinking establishment you are in. Its cleanliness is your best gauge to determining the cleanliness of the beer glasses and everything else in the joint.
I am a white guy. Reading this helps me understand. This is good writing.
Mick Jagger? THE Mick Jagger?!
Jagger Bombs? Is that Heroin and Amyl Nitrate?
so many words here.
this would be awesome if there was really going to be a video and it wasn’t just a weird bank commercial.
Then fuck Twitter.
Quite clearly shouting out her challenges and then saying, “Fuckin’ ‘ell.” Not up for debate.
Does McGregor still get paid if he kicks and shatters Mayweather’s knee? If so, I recommend this strategy when he hits that 6th round confused/frustrated stage.
“Hysterically.” Nice, bro.
Nadal’s little squeals make him almost unwatchable for me.
The “Dear White People” thing needs to die.
From Asshole to Bitch: The Caitlyn Jenner Story
long boring story of a scenario that occurs at every NFL stadium every time there is a game.
Karl Malone.
we live in the cultural version of minority report now
your 911 is a dead security guard and some amputees