
I worked at a small pizza/Italian place and the pizzamaker worked 6 days a week and the boss would make pizzas on his day off. You always knew when it was the boss making pizza because he’d be so skimpy with the cheese. Twice the pizza maker got arrested and held on bail for a couple days and it was a damn nightmare

My father who used to do this type of casework years ago, said family was always preferred but the number of times parents wouldn’t let family take in the kids out of spite was ridiculous. So kids who have already been through enough can’t go somewhere familiar because of family drama..

Harry is 100% the fun uncle.

I rewatched the series and really the only dialogue that seemed dated was the flippant use of the word “tranny” and one episode involving a trans-stripper.

I have some YouTube homework.

Google it for the baby Jason Bateman nostalgia.

My guess is the first actress wasn’t working out, or wanted out. Remini is trying to get back out in the world, and they must be at least friendly to want to work together again.

I’m wondering if Parsons is hedging his bets that he won’t be working much after Big Bang. He’ll always be tied to that very specific character.

That was my immediate first thought as well! I think Sutton Foster has some TVLand show though.

This is something I really had to reconcile with. As a woman and a Bernie supporter I found most of the Bernie Bro’s vile as individuals even though we had a mutual candidate.

Those poor babies I understand dramatics for tv and all that, but that seems like torture for two pre-teen babies with the lights and everything.

So do we just send her directly to rehab and the IRS at this point because if she doesn’t end up broke and broken I’m going to be damn shocked. She’s a literal child it’s not her fault she has bad adults surrounding her who will slither away when the cash stops coming in.

My husband has been doing his own car stuff since he was 18 and before any repair he’ll watch his go-to Youtubers even if it’s something he’s done before. He even posts on the Hyundai forums and made a mechanic friend.

Well she sings on the show with some frequency in an end of season arc so I wonder if they’ll be an album or tie-in.

Was watching it, and my roommate who normally hates this stuff got pulled in. It’s like schmaltzy heroine you get hooked man.

Tracy Morgan trying to acccept Paypal.

“Miss Lemon, I’m a ridiculous man! Why would you let me talk to people!”

I’m in recruiting so I’m calling candidates and doing phone screens all day. If I interact with you socially it’s nearly exclusively via text at this point.

I’ve always wondered about the celebrity telethon. If I call and donate yeah I could talk to a celebrity for a minute and that’s a cool bonus to donating. But like do the celebrities really take down your information accurately or do you get passed on to a volunteer who hasn’t been in the celebrity/beautiful people

Cut to me showing my husband the photos tonight after some wine “Babe look what we’d be getting that’s a steal!” . Also this is how I know I can’t hit like PowerBall or something crazy because I would just be buying places like this.