
What’s funny is she just popped up as the mom of a character on How to Get Away with Murder. An ABC show about law students at an elite law school. I’m really hoping she’ll be a supporting role or maybe a good reception on that combined with this might lead to something with the Grace under Fire sensibility.

Is....is this a real show? Not Hee Haw. I’ve heard of that, but the Priscilla Presley and Burgess Meredith thing? When was this? What do I need to YouTube? I’m 31 for age context not a youth.

An old coworker of mine, during one of her pregnancies gagged drinking or smelling anything but organic milk. Whatever it kicked on stayed and she can tell instantly if it’s organic milk or not.

This generations Richard Burton and Liz Taylor?

Robert Osborne did a panel with a bunch of child actors from like the 30's-40s including Margaret O’Brien. There was one guy, his father either died or couldn’t work and so him working was literally the only thing that kept the family fed. He didn’t hit Mickey Rooney level of fame but he seemed to work steady enough

Also doesn’t Pooh have stuffing come out at one point.

Years ago we spent two nights in Lucerne on of those bus tours, and hotel was on the mountain. It was cable car or some crazy rickety train thing as the two options to get up to the hotel part. My ex literally would feed me a couple shots and shove me on the damn thing because otherwise I wasn’t doing it. If I wasn’t

He's definitely trying to pull a Rock and transition into acting because wrestling though staged is still brutal so hopefully he's been saving wisely. HHe has a charm to him if not the level of the Rock's charisma. Dave Bautista I doubt will be as successful.

People who are conservative are who have conservative tendencies don’t just have natural empathy or relatablity. It’s the all about me of the 80's it’s not real unless it happens to them. My mother is finally starting to rethink identifying conservative (though she voted for Obama twice, I don’t know) now that she has

I am really, really saddened that Eartha Kitt’s passing means it can’t cross over with the New Groove universe and have Yzma. Yzma best Disney villain ever. Even the Emperor’s New Groove show Yzma was fun when I was an insomniac adult working second shift and needed something to watch at 2am.

We drunkenly played that to Rock Band with a bunch of friends recently one night and it was Geekboy and one of his groomsman doing the duet. Groomsman’s wife looked at me said you know this is going to end up happening at the wedding.

We’re not doing the bouquet and garter thing because ew. We’re not feeding each other cake and it’s ice cream cake. Parent dances though, my Dad and his mom will be so sad so I’m keeping those.

I feel you so hard on this. My fiancee loves to dance and has a big Italian family that loves to dance, and they’re all good and comfortable. Meanwhile I’m like the most awkward dork ever. I’m going to insist on practicing to our song a million times because I’m cringing about the first dance.

I was working as an admin in a call-center and my job was one part HR bitch work, one part the Director’s right hand. When my grandfather passed away Director and his wife came to pay their respects at the wake. The HR VP my first day back asked why I didn’t bring my proof for the bereavement time (that no one told me

I used to get sent in alone to the ladies room when I was wee like 4 or 5 was that super young?

This whole obsession when are your millenials moving out feels very American/North American culture issue, but also only something that people would have asked in the last couple generations. My old college roommate is also tired of getting crazy side-eye for being family-oriented and wanting to live at home saving

Yeah the squad thing is never something I understood. I have different circles with some overlap. My childhood/high school best friend and I went to college together, she introduced me to a girl she was dorming with and she and I became close. The three of us would hang out but I was closer to them than they were to

Damn that sounds delicious right now.

My father is demanding pigs in a blanket even though the venue doesn’t have them as an appetizer. I’m 75% sure he’s teasing me.

Actually companies are removing the no visible tattoo clause from their dress codes as the older generation retires. The superintendent of the super nice school district my dad works in has tattoo sleeves and gives no fucks about what the parents say.