Two friends of mine went to Denny’s for a pancake eating contest it was like 8 years ago and they still can’t eat pancakes.
Two friends of mine went to Denny’s for a pancake eating contest it was like 8 years ago and they still can’t eat pancakes.
I never lived alone I went from my parents to Geekboy but if he’s out dinner is soup or a frozen dinner, my sodium levels would probably frightening if we broke up. I don’t even cook all that elaborately with him, frozen veggies, boxed mac and cheese or turkey burgers most of the time. You guys cook as a hobby is…
As a lifelong resident of NJ this was my favorite thing that I’ve read today and I heartily thank you.
Geekboy wants to go on a cruise and everytime we see a deal out of a port that we have to fly to, I tell him that I will insist on a 24-hour cushion minimum in fear of missing the boat.
Geekboy became a Witness at about 19 or 20. His girlfriend later ex-wife got him into it while they were dating, they got engaged, got married as Witness’s. She continued her quest in different religions, alcoholism and cheating while they were married but he stayed a Witness for a few years. When he went to his…
I want to know her secret, she has the most beautiful husbands.
Oh man Geekboy’s niece is terrible in restaurants (she’s 3 going on 4) she stays at the table but she screeches. But then Geekboy’s sister gets flustered and embarrassed and then takes it out on the waiter/waitress it’s a double whammy. Then Geekboy who can’t stand kids gets aggravated but I bite my tongue because his…
I’ve lived in Middlesex county my whole life. That whole section is like the Elephant graveyard from the Lion King; dark, mysterious and confusing.
My mother discusses it with everyone, seriously women she worked with 5 years ago know I’m supposed to pull the plug if she’s in this situation. Her and my Dad’s wills are also freely discussed with everyone. I was in college and she and my dad re-did their wills, every phone call I got that week “In case Daddy and I…
My friend’s mashed potato bar is what kept me as adorably drunk bridesmaid dancing and encouraging people to dance, from throwing up in the bathroom bridesmaid.
Interesting an outlier from our completely unscientific study. Okay you’re just one of those than. Most of us in the NE just think it’s an expression.
Can I ask where you are geographically we got into the Not a Problem debate elsewhere on Kinja once and it seemed to be geographically divided.
The only good thing about my ex was when we worked together at a restaurant he was the manager who did that. It was fantastic, the best was the deer in headlights look the people would get. Or the ones who came back and had to be sheepish because we had the best food and that’s where their friends wanted to go. Try it…
Once the ex and I were at a middle road Italian place and both had gotten pasta dishes. They come out and his is a completely different dish than he ordered and the server didn’t realize the mistake until she got to the table. She actually recognized the mistake when she looked at him and went “Wait you got X dish,…
Seriously I have to buy bras at 50 a pop for something decent in my size. I will burn my socks in solidarity.
At the pizza place I worked at, I had a deaf woman who would p0int and write things done. She was doing the ordering for a group every couple weeks so it would be a big order, she was so considerate and tried to come at like 3pm on a Saturday. Once she had to do a major catering order and I wasn’t there and apparently…
BF and I had a threesome with a bi guy that he’s known for years. I was super surprised and turned on when BF got a blow job from him.
Clearly your husband is a robot and you should be concerned about that.
One of the Bobbys ended up being a main character on Once Upon a Time and I haven’t watched much this season but with actual material does well in a show with only adult co-stars. Also they just stopped aging Bobby and Gene or is Bobby just supposed to not have hit puberty yet? Because early episodes Bobby’s not THAT…
I’m 100% believing time traveling inter-dimensional Sal is who you met and I refuse to believe anything different because that is such a better ending than him just cruising in the park.