Well, as someone else already pointed out, the serenity prayer sums up what situations this advice would probably apply to. One just needs the wisdom to know the difference.
Well, as someone else already pointed out, the serenity prayer sums up what situations this advice would probably apply to. One just needs the wisdom to know the difference.
Lol that fucking Chevy ad, all those “real consumers” who can actually name Chevy models.
...yeah but Indiana elected Pence governor.
Where can I buy that black leather diaper
Is there some reason we didn’t get 80's rebel Kristen and Andrew “Magnum P.I.” Collins for the LA Auto Show stream
The fuck is with that picture
The Evora is damn nice inside... for a Lotus.
Looks like a Seamaster
Uhh I think you misspelled “materializing”, you pleb.
Do you mean landing? I don’t know about Fancy Kristen, but I don’t park my helicopter.
This is a fucking stupid thing to do.
Fine, he splooged.
That show was a turd though.
He’s 80 today actually.
Damn look at them, they should have just been having a hamburger. Maybe splitting one 10 ways, but at least have a snack ladies.
“Are you Naya R-R-Riviera?”
That 49" curved monitor is nuts, but so is them producing it with only 1080 pixels. For that price, I should be getting 1440.
That 49" curved monitor is nuts, but so is them producing it with only 1080 pixels. For that price, I should be…
Ok guy.
Eh I love it but if we’re ranking AMC shows it’s not better than Breaking Bad.
“it implies that the feature is merely a proxy”