for sure, only pop culture sites desperate for material would bother publishing them...
for sure, only pop culture sites desperate for material would bother publishing them...
Aren’t these BS Twitter reactions almost always marketing crap that the studio lets get out early. You never here about how bad a first screening of a movie is these days.
Ah, so it is bought by douchebags.
I mean for starters regardless of how long out of date my car becomes I can always have the newest apps for android auto since the apps run off my phone. so if the hottest new music app of 2035 SquiggleTilde is what I want to use then I can with android auto while I have to hope Tesla decides to add it to my 10+ year…
Buffet is by all accounts honest and upright, he actually advocates raising taxes on the rich. The worst thing you could find out about him was his paraphrasing Ben Franklin. If that’s your idea of a problematic man you need to take look at your standards.
I really liked the show but honestly I felt like the season finale was a little sequel-baity when it didn’t have to be. Like (spoilers ahead for the show I guess)
Musk is, and it’s definitely a reference to that.
I remember Troy being a perfectly fine sword-and-sandals picture, but I primarily remember that it introduced me to Rose Byrne. Thank you, Troy.
I read that as The Handmaid’s Tale and performed an actual spit take.
Ok there’s a lot of details missing here.
We’re going to party like it’s 1995!
What the heck is “deciduous sound design” ?? It’s a tree-t for the ears? It falls flat in the fall? You want to leave it alone? It really branches out? It’s got a real phloem? It harkens back to the roots of gaming? It’s knot very good? I’m so confused!
Alan Partridge has long been seen as too "British" for American tastes—it's time to set the record straight
VW dealers in MA are actually pretty good. I never mind going to mine. They let me test drive anything without question.
Sir, this is a Wendy’s
Hopefully it will display all the sensitivity of the murals at City Hall on Parks & Rec, like ‘Cornfield Slaughter’, ‘Lament of the Buffalo’, ‘Needless Slaughter’, ‘Slaughter Gone Wrong’, ‘Eating the Reverend’, ‘It’s Raining Blood’, and ‘Death Everywhere’.
I mean, it sounds good enough that I’d watch if it happened to come on while I was watching TV, but firing up a streaming service for a sitcom is a big ask.
youd kill someone over having to keep your space clean?
It’s clear from this comment that you have absolutely no idea how the stock market works.
There may be widely varying opinions on the Best Hollywood Chris, but you have united us all when it comes to the Worst AV Club Take.