Just follow Carl Weather’s stew recipe
Just follow Carl Weather’s stew recipe
Opera’s is not a true VPN, it only passes through Opera browser data. Also on mobile they have logs.
You should report him to the devs.
As soon as I saw the runtime of the second movie compared to the first I knew it would be bloated. I didn’t hate it, but it would have benefited from a good 15-20 minutes of fat trimming.
Since the truck isn’t actually real, it doesn’t need an air system.
Yeah it looks good, then you take one step after that screenshot and realize what a piece of shit the game engine is
With perks/design I should say. They’re the same re-skins that everything else got.
I mean, it could be hidden if they had just designed their dashboards around the screen instead of sticking it right on the top.
Yeah but who the fuck does strikes in D2 lol.
I was a hardcore Destiny 1 player as well. This game somehow has more to go do, with more rewards, and manages to be way more boring. Loot is bland, with no strike specific or raid specific guns or armor, no random rolls, and pretty plain armor. They took away the grind, but also took away what everyone was grinding fo…
This was a question actually asked by a reporter to McConnell, not something Black came up with.
Man, the only thing I’d want from this is to basically unite my PC and Xbox stats all in one place and add the Switch as well. I’d basically buy a Switch for this (and BotW of course).
You got bored then got an LS460? Were you just trying to fall asleep at the wheel at that point
Typically yes, I always ask to make sure I know exactly when the CPO warranty would run out, but you can estimate pretty closely from a Carfax report.
I don’t necessarily agree with this, but Gerald the Bitcher is hilarious.
Yeah, I passed on Battlefront 1 because they couldn’t even be bothered to pretend to make a CoD level campaign. I’ll pass on this one too. It sucks, I haven’t played a Star Wars game in forever.
Can’t wait for Blake Shelton’s Goop
Damn, total destruction
They would have had to switch to USB-c on the phone to do it though right? I mean, I think it would be excellent having that but it’s a big decision to change their connector and render every accessory obsolete for a third time.