
@Dropolus: It's the windows vista of lamps, except the lamp is neat and nice and works.

@HiroPro42: Haha, you could probably make a termite detector, they make a certain sound that can be detected by a microphone capsule glued to the wood.

@ThatsNotPudding: Have you see a picture of the guy? Mistresses? Haha

@MasterYong: You say you spend a minimum of 45 minutes on each and every ingredient every day? Well yeah that might largely work, but it's an issue if you aren't OCD and find OCD behavior a stressing to emulate or too time consuming since you sleep 6 hours a day and are just short of the time needed :)

@Link_Shinigami: It's true that it's often very odd how they drop the ball on that issue, often you feel like nobody even gave it a millisecond thought and they could have easily done it much better without much routing issues.

@FluxDecapitator: You can get a PCIE USB3 card for something like 20 bucks, that's no great hardship is it?

@FluxDecapitator: 3.4GHz on air with the stock heatsink? I guess you never run anything that pulls it out of low-power mode then.

@dropdeadseven: They probably ran out of money, EVGA is good but man those prices.. but at least you get something real for all that money though, but still, it's not for ordinary men.

@ECAsh: Actually you are wrong, every connection is moving to a serial system, SATA, internal busses, HDMI, USB and soon(?) lightpeak it's all serial because we can do that at high speed these days and it saves a ton on lines and issues because of all those lines.

There are 2 versions of the gigabyte UD7, and I think v2 was tested here?

Coincidentally my W7 now reached the time-since-install where it start to get screwy behavior where when you google for answer you find none that help and MS support pages also say 'there is no known fix'.

@Robb Nunya: Yeah, it's hard to believe that animals like rhinoceroses (spelling?) andsoforth are getting extinct on that basis, and even after viagra has become widely available.

@hahn: Seems easiest to type a few words in google, then you can select the links that seem reliable to you.

@HiroPro42: ah, I didn't realize, thanks for setting that straight.

@MaksIsBack: Erm, I guess maybe if you exclusively know cartoons as your source of boobies and are drunk and need glasses then that can maybe theoretically happen.

Did you know the moon is actually a breakaway chinese province like tibet? If you don't believe me ask the chinese government. ;)

Shows you what's possible if the japs don't find you tasty nor think their penises get bigger if they make a meal of parts of you.