
Not very current, frasier, it finished in 2004, perhaps kyle should update his references.

@jkenny23: Doesn't give cancer but it does give glaucoma, which isn't ideal either in my book.

@CrossTip: Actually some techniques like WIMAX have a very spiky signal, and studies show that's worse than the normal WiFi and much worse than analog signals.

@prix: Same as the digital TV in the same bands I expect.

@Headcrash3000: J C Yang (MIT) already wrote papers on it in 2000 a quick google search reveals.

@supmacka: " I swear, photography has been turned into a cheap, skill-less, overnight hobby"

@DakotaEpic: It obviously requires a great many pixels, so I don't think any outfit with security camera but those with HLS grants will get it funded.

@DON_BOT: Maybe he has the wrong graphics drivers, or too little RAM of the scratch disk set to a full HD or a plugin that's buggy or a badly hacked version.

@chaboud: I assumed the idea here was that adobe bought the patent and was planning to market it now (without saying they just bought it), did I get that wrong then?

At one time people were excitedly waiting for the announced single core 1 GHz breakthrough for desktop CPU's, they would be so damn fast that you can do anything, live raytracing? A cinch. Running 50 tasks simultaneously? Easy as sitting in a chair.

The statement it comes in paper sachets is not quite correct, more and more companies are going with alternatives (I'm unsure why), lipton for instance uses a kind of plastic with their tea triangles, and they aren't the only one.

@MagicTrackpad: They'd never allow this on multilevel office buildings.

May I suggest 'spectacle-free' or 'unspectacled' as an alternative description.

"The real future is 8MB propriety x360 memory cards, stay tuned"

I think with steve jobs having changed and his name being 'steven paul jobs' perhaps we should start calling him paul jobs.

It's odd to have a box for the ipad, an ipad is an item you should use and have ready, especially since it won't be that long before it's replaced by the ipad2 making it obsolete.