
What's odd is that this is a immense cloud and yet I don't see a single bunny or things like that, nothing, am I having a imagination-free moment or what's going on?

@mogra: Same diff, this god character needs someone to have all that devotion AND express that in silly ways, to me that seems pretty damn sad.

@barrywoods: That's not quite true, I hear some of the characters did exist, albeit not quite like described and re-described.

@stacy.flynn: I read "grand canyon" and thought the "Lots of cool pictures of the stingrays" was pristine sacasm :)

@pagan_god: To compensate next week it's 'taken with your 6x7 hasselblad with digital sensor back'

@b5bartender: Let's just hope nothing is on it that gets you arrested or rubbed out by the CIA

Chance that people 'cleverly' use their DSLR's with a throwaway lens attached 100%

@Christopher Cox: We now know that the aliens keep those secret creatures in volcanoes of course, we've come a long way.

@mogra: So the god character would only help them when he kept up a pointless gesture? Yeah that's a great god right there...

@Gundem: Yeah it's a bit outrageous that it's a federal financed org like that

Didn't they previously determine that there actually was no single moses character?

@Zaixionito: I guess you only read the children's bible like so many people, because the god character in the bible is nasty as hell and specifically says you can kill many.

@Ding-Dang: At 25 bucks you probably put it in glass display and use the $1 ikea one (they are pretty good!)