
@Tommy Five: First of all I replied to the 'proof' of saying MW has it in its definition, and then you complain I use a dictionary as argument...

@adam-m: What he means is that if you are short on cash you'd buy a $20 normal tablefan and that if you are so artsy and style sensitive you'd want a real dyson, at least you'd expect so.

@Vanilla-Terror: My fans, as are most people's fans I'm guessing, were made in hong-kong, so dyson is trying to steal their market in the first place with his fan.

@redangel7: I'd feel silly mentioning I fell for the overpriced dyson scam.

@ninjikiran: I still see very very sloppy soldering in chinese cheap electronic products, with spatters of solder on the PCB's, and even in cases where most part are SMD set by a machine they still have sloppy soldering with spatters for connecting the wiring for the battery and large connectors and such.

@Chyfine: Indeed the issue was the involuntary stuff, and I too can see how you'd not want that in your business.

@bobdobbs: Doesn't seem super ugly to me, and at least he's not fat.

@dave_t: I don't think they should have put 'censored' on the site when they removed it, simply 'removed' would be more logical.

@ilos: Good point that, but you won't get liked for it probably.

@MrEvil: Well I don't think 'it created banks' is a good ad.

@—Core—: but then you have a bit that doesn't stick when you tore it off, and often that's not what you want.

@deadboy: Do you sell individual strings or only in bulk? I think I only need 2 or 3.

@coketown: They probably can do that line idea, but realise people won't pay 7 times normal price for that feature, even if a person is really fanatic he'd buy a dispenser instead.

@Gators15: Uhm, you can make a nick in a roll yourself you know.

@d0minick: *hits dominick with stone*

I hear google pays their beta testers so much that they can afford logitech devices, pretty sweet.

The thought is enough to make you start drinking to forget.

@fastactingrelief: I'd be happy with 10, if it could do higher dynamics and low light as you suggest.

@PhelderCarb: Army has its own intelligence group, and NSA is only national anyway, within US borders.