
I stopped using skype when I learned they monitor and censor chinese chat for the chinese government.

@thechansen: Fanbois that buy a product have a interest in saying it's great, it's a psychological necessity even, so don't take such 'reviews' too serious please.

@Septhinox: Says "in japan", and I for one don't presume to know all of the psychology of the japanese consumer.

@joshfee: they have several categories:

@KTope: The wiimote is easy to hack for use with any device, it uses bluetooth, so this thing will sell regardless of the wii.

@mykie: Good to hear they are decent alternatives.

@chibaraki: They should have said: "If you don't allow us to record we'll freaking taze you", value added benefit.

I think that after a week everybody will drive over kids thinking;

@bucklefilledbird: Yeah but think of a child now, he opens something up and all the functionality is in a chip, probably under black epoxy, he cannot learn anything - except how to open those things up since that's becoming more and more a science in itself :)

@Berkeley: The interesting thing is that the rainbow shift was based on theoretical discussion in physics circles I think.

@Namarrgon: I think they were jocular 'complaints' you see, and that you misunderstand.

@magus-21: Never used the word, and I was familiar but didn't mind stopping the discussion.

Very odd that people would goto sony when leaving apple, out of the frying pan into the fire.

Who want to see the crappy news on his mirror? Or in fact have it invade his bathroom - which should be free of the world's infuriating nonsense.

Someone should make a universal portable-device-linux like android which has a philosophy that doesn't revolve around making money from apps or tracking people or boosting a mega-company's marketposition.

@Tills13: Yep, those weasels doing incredibly dirty deals and actions that often kill people and rob people of freedom and dignity need some counter-force I say, so wikileaks is certainly needed.

@magus-21: I bet the guys at Nuremberg also said "you people are so bossy, no fair"

@Redtheundead: Exactly, it's a good way to stop those maniacs with their covert operations.

It's cute an all but a nuclear bunker is a place people would spend years if there was a nuclear war, and I'd go bonkers in half a day in that place, they didn't do a good job making it nice on the psychology of people I think.