
@TrainAss: Simple cloth filter will remove them.

They should have named it Nearby Social Acquaintances, or NSA for short

@Antubis: Even if they don't know they will be annoyed if their friends have a more fancy system or can use the latest apps that don't work for them, or are slow for them.

@arthurborko: Lightning is a whole different process which includes a number of almost random factors, but asteroids are directed by the gravitational forces of the sun and planets and there's only so much wiggleroom.

@gelatinous_d: I'm sure the people in the club of super-rich and the powermongers have set up luxury caves so they are nice and secure.

@ibpointless2: You can sell it to women for $200 a ounce as 'moisturizing scrub".

@jeffreysimons: So does that 'lag fix' make the rest of the phone and GUI shitty or is it only working during benchmarks or is it a legit fix I wonder.

@jmposvip: PSP phone, haha, that rumor started 2 years before they released the first PSP I think.

@Ben R: You don't know MS, you have no idea what windows is like man.

Still pretending are we? oh well.

@Yarr!: Blessed are the naive, for they will vote the politicians back in.

@Liquidska: Yeah it means you are an enemy if you mention it and will be carted away and nottortured using techniques that don't leave many external marks.

@Mike Z: The newer detectors are suppose to work with much lower levels and they developed that super-short burst thing that is even less damaging.

I know british customs have see-through stuff at their ports, not sure if it's this exact thing though.

They won't get a penny from me.

@ryandbest: Not if you just need a discreet excuse to carry a container of vaseline everywhere.

@espinha: I would not say that the idea was deemed ridiculous and laughable, scientist knew they didn't know the details of the structure of matter (we still don't really), which means they kept an open mind to various theories while they were all pondering on new improved models.