
@tataput: Not always indoor, but OK.

I think your estimate of 1.2 billion people not having a flushing toilet is shy by about 3.5 billion.

@RandomDesign: Buy 2 slideviewers, stick them together with some wire and you got a nice 3D viewer.(tried it long ago and it worked perfectly.)

@The Overmind: Not completely true, we also get depth cues from the focus of our eyes and the movement of them, they are forever darting, and slightly changing viewing angles and our heads are never completely static either, all that gives cues too.

@Synthfilker: I think to achieve that you'd have to hang a lot of flak shells between them, and some messerschmidts and have one or two spiraling down.

@Synthfilker: I wonder if they were made in china or japan.

@takamarou: A good point, I didn't expect that either.

I wonder if the server at MS that receives crashreports has buffer-overflow protection.. if we go by history we can assume is does not, so now we know how hackers can have fun hacking MS HQ :)

@sneakypoo: You are from sweden but don't use piratebay? Astounding.

So when you put a plug in there's no microphone anymore, yeah great.

@CptnGrammar: It's very simple. H.264 is good.. but patented, so google bought VP and released WebM into public domain.

@Mr. Spontaneous: Maybe they don't have the nerve to spend a billion on a legal fight with google, which they might still loose.

@Les Mikesell: Well work.. it's a small token fake move really.

@espinha: lolol, everything firefox does, yeah right.

@Ian Logsdon: WebM is in the process fo getting HW support from all over, but with modern hardware and the still 'less than HD' formats dominating the web you don't need HW decoding anyway.

@Mr. Spontaneous: Many public broadcasters in europe still give you a selection of 2 wonderful formats: realmedia or WMV.

@♫ Realityism ♪♫: Nicely summarized.

@Lazzzara: Here's what happens if you goto youtube with IE6:

@KLanD: If you stick with flash there's no worries since your browser will not be supporting any format since your system will be hacked and taken over, hip hip hooray for adobe.