
@chimp_lord: Those 'content providers' that want DRM and crap are not to be taken into the format discussion, let them play that game on googlezon's 'non-public internet' with their 'veroogle' browser or whatever they will come up with.

Royalty free is still propriety, and they can change it at will.

@Necoras: I was told the theory was that it once was a planet, but I guess the views come and go.

@floorman56001: They come in all sizes, but to detect them I guess they have to have a certain minimum size though, they don't give off light after all and its not easy in the vastness of space, even if they are in a known area.

@jsmuli2: He was joking heh.

Not exactly to scale are they? But it's cute though.

Made possible by the US freaking out and pumping trillions into 'homeland security' which makes companies develop privacy busting fascism-enabling machines to trade for those billions.

@moonshadowkati:yeah as if they allow that on mugshots, any other bright ideas like 'get your aunt to give her fingerprints instead of you when you get arrested'?

@FuzzyHorror: Here's an idea, be a white guy with a job in the government.

Goto the homes of the judges at night, put a GPS tracer on their cars, put up a website that shows now and then where they are and went.

@kronos27: Yeah until you have a heartattack or stroke and then suddenly it's "why doesn't anybody call some help? Selfish bastards!!"

@RickAKATed10: You seriously STILL think EM radiation is the same as x-ray radiation this day and age? Are you a senator?

@HammerheadFistpunch: AFAIK they were specifically searching for a material like it, that was ingenuity and experimentation not coincidence, and the link you gave doesn't say it was an accident but merely makes it sounds like it by phrasing.

@mikeslps: The Oxford dictionary accepts alright as a word, as do most dictionaries I assume.

@dsnoir: Indeed I understand that viagra was originally to be some heart medication or something and there was a side-effect or uhm front-effect?

Steve has an ipad app to remind him what the term 'social' means, again and again.

Kodak does these inventions like this and the pattern for the photoelectric cells [en.wikipedia.org] and they make money from patents but they don't grab the market with consumer cameras, that is an afterthought for them, weird.

@Kaspir: In those days the movement of the film was done by hand, and that caused fluctuation in exposure I guess.