
I wonder, can you still say you are fantasy figures under that law? Like god or allah or some pirate or vampire.

Why is this presented as some secret, and why as some scandal?

@ezrashapiro: I do indeed not think malware writers have responsibility, I believe they would never imagine the system engineers would set up an airtraffic control system in such a way that their malware would end up on it and then that it causes such events.

@Celladore: although it's true stupid people reproduce more, the human race operates in a social structure, and the less intelligent people do (in effect) protect the smarter people more, they live in higher luxury and have better healthcare, and so do their fewer offspring, and that causes a bias to at least

@Dr. What?: He does show proper respect for darwin I think, perhaps you jump the gun here.

@Dr. What?: It isn't all that clean and clear cut, first of all there is actually some severe limitations to what can evolve as you probably know.

@Anthony Castanza: All research I've seen the results of show intelligence is dropping over the years compared to before (I'm talking years/decades and not millennia now).

You misspelled 'hell'

@ezrashapiro: You are right, let's arrest bill gates for popularizing computers and making this possible.

@Dr-Rockso: If you walk onto a busy highway at night and get hit by a car then I think you'll find it hard to sue the drivers, let alone the road.

@Malthian: Well, un-fuck you then :)

@rebeldevil: Not now that you know how to test :)

@maltesh: they pick it up but not as well, and not as low in frequencies I imagine.

So after visiting the site I conclude that the writeup is wrong, they say to direct a laser through a hole in a piece of paper then bounce the laserbeam off a CD, the CD acts as a diffraction grating reflector and creates a spectrum on the piece of paper, then look at that with a webcam to see if there's IR, there's

@Gene: 300 feet assuming they don't use metric on the moon.

@Trencher-1: I'm sure that they can only roughly guess the tint, in 1 in 100 cases, the rest are just made up.

@MrLebowski: Or claim they can to the willing ear.