
@DaisyCabarizzaaay: Medical science is on page one - paragraph one, of a book consisting of 2500 pages.

You dropped a 0, it should read 'by 20200'

I experience this as alarming, I'm just glad it's an asian production so things are kept in check in respect to size :)

That's not bad, 40% improvement and a nice res LCD and drawing and fun stuff plus a reasonable camera.

Did you know that budget-camera maker aiptek now also has a 3D dual lens flip-cam style camera?

Won't look like that when done, but it might look neat though

Gizmodo people can set it to follow jobs and then just sit back :)

It's all in fun I get that, but - since when is saying a kid looks badass a initiation to 'sex later that day'? WTF.

It's impressive how sharp and equidistant they line up the parts for the photo.

This seems very basic and I've seen equal or better quality from guys building stuff at home, they make it look like a hand but it only has 4 or so movements in total and is remarkably underwhelming.

@wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!: I wonder who patented this though, I'm sure it was patented already, probably a decade ago at least (seeing it's so obvious), but by whom and who has hold of the patent.

@Purple Dave: The keys obviously just press down on the touchscreen right? So it will be unlike both I guess, it all depends on what the material is that touches down and what way they make them spring back up, what material and how it's molded.

Except this looks more cheap and tacky and has the LCD drawbacks.

Wait, I think I got it, that space was left intentional blank so enthusiast can write their own message there.

@snitch: I wonder if they have a sticker or some kind of marker to show the cops they are special, like doctors have theirs.

@The Lab: You got half a point there, it's close, but come on, no plates IS a bit peculiar and worth mentioning so it just avoids the stalker tag by virtue of that

Silver grey? Really? I thought apple was about style, silver is not only boring but also last decade's fashion for cars (amongst the people not into design).