
Curious, seems every time gizmodo puts up a video somebody manages to take it down, you should have someone look into that, have a chat with google/youtube and ask them what's up with that.

@jmd1513: Well that's been figured out long ago, a large rotating wheel spaceship, as you see in the pretty old movie '2001 a space odyssey', the rotation causes a artificial gravity

@EdgarJPublius: Amusing because it's another one of those well known quotes, and yet it's so apt and true :)

@HRDSalami654: True it's overpriced a lot, but sometimes it has a hard to detect reason, I saw a manufacturing video of some army thing and it looked normal but the metal was strengthened with tungsten and put in a press of hundreds of tons pressure to strengthen the steel and that kind of thing, at that point an

@Wilky_McBadass: Actually it seems to make it even more depressing.

AFAIK normal people aren't allowed to run around with guns and rifles in turkey, makes you wonder how true this story is.

They'll also announce that they secretly and sort-of accidentally mapped everybody's DNA and it's available on dna.google.com.

Seeing that if you have 'preferred' data on your network people might walk away massively I expect that they will now do a big (undercover) campaign to ready people for such things by slowly instilling into them that it's all 'normal' to have such tiered internet.

"video removed due to violation of terms"

@Suave House: The problem with drudgery is that there isn't something to fight against in the first place, it's all boring and you are always tired I imagine when having that job, drudgery tiredness more drudgery, on and on, and when it eventually gets to you then I'm sure the memory of being able to keep up your

@yyg: It's all silly anyway since the year 0 (or 1 if you will since that is the root of the debate, that it started with 1) is determined by a daft kind of religious randomness.

@thefakebest: Ah but that's what people are in general, dumb :)

@HRDSalami654: Should have sprayed them with silicone oil.

@Alchemistmerlin: would make sense yeah that it start to get a bit of a factor.

I wonder if there still will be internet when he gets out, the real stuff I mean not an itunes/kindle/amazon gateway only one.

@applesgoinpies: It does indeed make some sense to make it a bit bigger to be more practical.


@jmd1513: Seriously? I don't see any evidence of movement forwards in the field of space exploration technology to expect we'll be able to push a moon in a timespan as short as that, although you never know what we figure out with the LHC and such, but to expect it seem stretching it.

@user_21938: Who cares though? So the human race might get extinct, so bleeding what?