Why is he so negative about the human race ending? Is he on opium?
Why is he so negative about the human race ending? Is he on opium?
@Reginald2: They make millions, they should get one of these, good plan - except wait, planes show up clearly on RADAR unlike small boats in the waves, dammit, there's always something.
@vovvinril: And yet people at foxconn kill themselves more than all those other factories, there must be a reason.
@erphan: Haha, as if a guy like that won't find a new cushy job, you overestimate apple's reach I expect.
@sweetelectro: You misjudge yourself, it always seems easy when you aren't there.
@sparx104: That link is too long for gizmodo.
I agree with precious commenters, there needs to be some variation in the picture used for foxconn articles, can't you flip it horizontally or change the color or something?
@skraelingshortbus: Ah excuse me then.
@wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!: I'm sure their guarantee covers 'unless some religious dictatorial system takes it away', I mean it's the same if your BB gets stolen or you lose it, then yeah you won't be receiving messages either, not their fault.
@McFucklestein: NO, the writer of the article uses his own english, the wikipedia system refers to the same article regardless of spelling, to me that's the logical way.
@iMattv4: I understand in chemistry (and the US) sulfur is official (rather than the to me more normal seeming sulphur)
@Isotope: Volunteers edit and write the articles, from all over the world, some speak with a british flavoured tongue, other american, yet others somewhat broken english (didn't mean australian there, but sure if you want to include that :).
@ArmoredCavalry: Maybe they used 'the AT&T solution', fork a copy of all data to a government server but before it gets encrypted, should be possible with a small firmware update and done.
@stingray: Exactly what he suggests.
@AreWeThereYeti: Yeah and why do so many people have the dosh to afford buying BB's and their services to make a country like that significant to BB? O I L
@skraelingshortbus: These are places where the crimes are not terrorism or similar but completely other things, it's all about religious mania and fear of their own populations uprising.
@Raidah: Good point that.
@wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!: You are one sad individual if you think they didn't have any otjher option, they could take their business elsewhere, the world is big enough and so they'd make a percent less profit, so freaking what, and caving in to this will only shoot them in the foot in the end anyway…
I agree with gates, in 5 years time even universities won't have anything better than the people you see on the internet.. it's so sad.
@aMatic: If the scifi shows are right that we dont' need to goto the bathroom in the future I wonder what else they are right about.