
Using the ear is of course the worse possible method, you never see your ear yourself, and even in the styrofoam mockup they use the ear, and it requires UV light? Those people aren't the smartest people and you better not let such people implant anything inside you (not even if you are a palin).

@aMatic: Water isn't precious, unless you live in some desert in an uncivilized country without running water.

@jamescobalt: Few grand? That's a ripoff, even with all those features it should not become a few grand.

@TuxRug: There's no need to use stars in the term 'shitty code'

@sweetelectro: I do not now nor will ever get how water is so 'wasteful', water remains, there's oceans full of it, and the only issue is efforts in cleaning it, and less water in a toilet doesn't help, the water dilutes the waste and that's good. and I bet using less and less water for flushing would eventually force

@You're Banned: He's referring to people laughing at gates.

@smange: I think the use should be the same as the author that wrote the article (an american should not try to write an article in 'traditional english' nor a brit try to write in american spelling), and for indexing if it's the word of the article header itself they should use the standard automatic referral they

Would need some industrial strength puke handling system on the other end.

@rnoyfb: There's no logic to the term "imports to", you either export or import.

I assume this is about what nuclear weapons do, not about the japanese or about the decisions back then, so because of that I think it's a good offset against the 'nukes are cool let's nuke somebody' thinking.

@oldmanstan: " I like to stay on the correct side of the law... "

@tkuhl87: I think they released such things years(?) ago now, I recall seeing a post on it.

@parabellum2000: Not only, also schools giving out guidelines of approved and required items.

I'll quote part of what started these picture and nonsense replies:

@BadJoJo: Those countries block VPN's

@vinod1978: I advise them to get rid of religion instead of doubling up on it.

@thegreatfratsby: I think you should look up what's happening in india and germany (not sure about japan), before calling them modern and rational, india just made a law against all porn and germany is up to their eyeballs in censorship to name but 2 small things.

Why not tempt them? I think the world isn't worse off when the saudi are without internet really.

Making semi-secret deals to be neutral to eachother only helps the enemies of net neutrality, first of all you already set a precedent to make deals, and secondly you give the opponents ammo to argue 'see the industry is nicely regulating itself!'