
@AmphetamineCrown: Actually what I'm saying that after you made a net neutrality law then you don't need a separate policeforce, you don't need that for every new law passed.

I did a 'define: evil' in google and it said "making secret deals with cell carriers"

I once again remind people that you can have net neutrality without the FCC since anybody can regulate it, or nobody and just have companies sue when they notice a competitor break the law.

@QMurphy: It all depends what their real motivation is for collecting such data, perhaps they want to somehow profile body types and are experimenting with that and then they would want your race and origins and stuff, you never know what the spooks have in mind but it often is not all that beneficial for personal

@TangoTL: How come the grass is in focus but the top of the lightning is also sharp but the obelisk is not? Sounds like a stacked picture.

@junior ghoul: Actually numbers on MS were a bit disappointing I'm told, plus if you give away half your money you should NOT have more than before, no matter how well MS does, it still makes no sense.

@dcarrington01: It would set off an alert and focus the microwaves in a sensitive region, but apart from that it's a good plan.

@CraigJW: You must be a politician then.

@LukeDukem: Yeah they have no idea who you are, the RFID in your passport and boarding pass andsoforth and the facial scan in their computer db isn't any help either, they have no idea who gets on a plane at all.

@cassiebearRAWR: I never know if they are actually serious if they say such things, could anybody really think like that? Or is it just something they like to say to mess with our minds?

@VoltCruelerz: They say the person operating the machine doesn't know your identity, that is NOT the same as being anonymous, it would obviously be pointless to scan people if they could not link the results to who can pass through security.

@QMurphy: Yeah they save thousands because they are 'anonymous'...

At least 75% of documentaries and pictures are all fake (yeah it's an internet number but go ahead and show me wrong if you can), and it's getting worse and worse and more and more accepted to have actors 'help out' in serious documentaries, and to use CGI, and I don't mean the pieces where they re-enact something but


After he starting doing the giving his fortune according to forbes increased, so how does that work? Tax break shenanigans? And is that how he got the others on board?

So what the motivation for saving them? Seriously.

They've been doing it in africa for decades now with softdrink PET bottles, but this guy gets a prize.. right.

@Sora57: Well that's what's been said before, the US isn't on the cutting edge at consumer level, in research yes but in business they pinch pennies.