
@Marand: There's room for both I'm sure.

They should consider using ball-valves instead of sliding shunts in the blowout valves, that would be more error resilient since it would need only rotate to close as opposed to being pushed.

She must be as flammable as uhm.. well I think she sets the new standard for flammability actually.

@ZLevee: that happens to have excellent internet, out there 'somewhere'

@Marand: You have something there, now they just need to release 'punch-the-clown' starring Glenn Beck to make it a success.

@genkainashi: Nice to see someone having some enthusiasm, but from my perspective kinect seems very beta and will no doubt soon be followed by v2 and v3, and if that's correct then the $150 becomes another matter because you don't want to pay that 3 times.

@Mark Schwegler: Terms like 'national economic security' are a bit undefined and thus can be nicely interpreted by the nastier people that got their hands on some power to include whatever they can think up, not to mention 'public health' and 'public safety', both of which are used extensively in the past in various

Personally I think that although they are gimmicks and in the presented form might not have a long lifetime that the development will lead to people filtering out their own uses and find ways to put it to good use so in the end I'm happy with the research being done because of it all.

@MajorGroove: It's just weekend filler to get the crowd to keep themselves busy.

Stung by people's stupidity of having email systems that makes them send passwords unencrypted which people use on unencrypted networks.

If sony's 3D gaming system has a lag of 22ms (my visual estimate is that it's actually more like 70ms) and MS has a lag that is 150+ms and MS's can handle 'upto' 2 people at a time and possibly gets confused by the background more, then I think gaming-wise sony might have won so far, at least until MS reaches version

I have a feeling that if you predict a tsunami and then warn people the effect will be that a group of people flock to the beach to watch it and the rest won't know what to do but hope for the best.

@Philip Barnett: It doesn't really help your arguments to just throw the word 'paranoid' around to somehow make reality more palatable to yourself.

@tedknaz: Ever heard the term 'failing airline companies'? That tells you you should NOT create panic in your average traveller even if it's fine.

@SEDAGIVE?!: I think that at one point they developed technology where you could actually plug a phone in the modem and it could maintain a connection (without data) while you took a call.

@tyler.derden: The PSU is lower rated and they could reduce the size of the case meaning it uses less power meaning it should not be too noisy.. until the DVD spins up.

@tedknaz: My firefox corrects my spelling, as for grammar, if I fail then obviously it's someone else that has to fix it for me since I am not capable :/

@neutiquam: I'm sure they are mostly cosmetic, people are used to them so now we are stuck with sticking them on planes.

@matt buchanan: common mistake/omission and so common you can't blame people for it, but my post was a reaction on the 'knights that say nie' joke and such, seems people are reading it wrong since it reads as 'knee' superficially and I thought I'd throw in something that's informative and perhaps broadens some

@pierrebuz: Got a point there, but even when reduced by that factor it's still a lot of trust required :)