Suspenders few

The whole “figuring out how to beat this boss” period in Souls feels a lot like ‘find the exploit’ to a lot of gamers. It feels like cheating.

“What’s the point?” Why bother even playing at the point where what you do no longer matters?

Link plz

You played the Myth RTS series? And their side scroller (whose name escapes me)? Or did you mean Marathon? Because I was floored by those games when they came out. Still think i logged more hours in Myth II: Soulblighter multiplayer than I have in any other game since (and I’ve logged like 800 hours and counting in

Wake up, sheeple!

They get more powerful/numerous based on the upgrade level of the room. So if you have one newb manning a three-square fully upgraded power generator they’ll slaughter him, but a newb in a three-square non-upgraded room will easily kick them to death.

They seem to spawn wherever they want in my vault. Dirt adjacent or no.

‘Disgusted’? You sure you don't mean, aroused?

I think employers will wise up.

Nah, he’da had a big ole judgement boner. Like, “mmmm I am judging you SO HARD RIGHT NOW.” He wrote all his books with big judgement boners. Animal Farm, probably the creepiest boner.

What a tease with Shen.

The state prohibits access to medical treatment all the time. Here’s a case where they have chosen to do so, in order to fulfill their perceived responsibility to the other child.

No bone wings?

Your comments aren't canon in this conversation. The canon version of events has me yelling at an empty room about how canon the New-U stations are.

Why isn’t anyone talking about the dangers of books

I find games vastly underserve my sense of taste.

Valis Observatory... Pattern... Outer space... reminds me of...

Okay fine I’ll buy this game already JEEZ

Plz analyze this and get back to me in a longer article
