Not sure who you are. You seem nice.
Not sure who you are. You seem nice.
Disagree about the Telltale Game of Thrones game! I think he’s fantastic in that. Also, dunno why his acting in satire doesn’t count - a good voice in Seinfeld is still a good voice. Patrick Stewart’s voice acting in American Dad is still great even though it’s funny.
Ah! So it was. You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
I wholeheartedly accept your admiration. My point was largely that those mechanics are older than MMOs. You have a point - there’s definitely been some cross-pollination of ideas and game mechanics. It’s just odd to be all, “hmm, an RPG you say? Well that’s just like taking the MMO out of MMORPG!”
The ‘h’ is silent. And invisible.
Oh my god I would totally pay upwards of $4.99 for Jon Benjamin to be my Ghost
Single player MMO? ... you mean, an RPG? Because yes, DA:I was an RPG. It said so on the box.
Dinklage has a strong background in voice acting. There was a whole 30 Rock episode about his voice. He has done great voice acting for other video games.
Dat sass, amirite?
Jesus that's hot. You get his number?
They certainly reflect something. But the word, I think, is contempt.
See, that’s owning it.
Your lack of contempt is just, like, super palpable. I withdraw my criticism.
Hard to blame that on inherent sexism in the publishing industry. I’m not saying there isn’t any, there totally is, just saying this particular point is not helping make that case.
Yeah, sure, if that was what you said. But you said, “Said every man ever, whenever women describe their experiences of sexism.” It was not a specific rebuke, it was a general comment by you about the faults of ‘the other team’. I was just bringing up that time yesterday when you said you didn’t think women acted like…
“...we would expect to see women harboring the same feelings of contempt for men, but that is not the case. not even close.”
‘Had to’ is not something that applies to JK Rowling. She chose to. It would've been published either way and we all know it. It was an artistic choice, not a practical one.
J/k Loling
For decades men have feared that one day women would bust ghosts as men do.