
Sounds about right...I’m the finance chair at a midsize, mainstream denomination church. Our giving tends to hold up better than average nonprofits (since people are accustomed to giving more regularly), but we still have to maintain most of our staffing — which is about 60% of most church budgets.

Gonna echo that anyone who uses the term “snowflakes” un-ironically is clearly not concerned with adding credibility to their argument.


If there’s one thing that makes me want to take someone seriously, it’s the unironic use of “snowflake” as an insult.

“If literally one thing goes wrong—if the team needs to call for help or a tow truck, if they get stopped, if they crash—literally anything goes wrong here and these guys would be pulling resources from an otherwise already overloaded system, not to mention potentially increasing the risk of contracting coronavirus by

I tend to have a similar mindset and I generally avoid the more ‘realistic’ types of military games be it shooter or strategy, but one game that I played that was Very Interesting was Spec Ops: The Line. The twist of not being the good guys at the end was extremely thought provoking. It was one hell of a game and I

DId you read the article

German army leadership and forces were actively complicit, and in many cases, enthusiastic participants in crimes against humanity. While yes, #notallgermanmen, the Wehrmacht were far from having clean hands.

I mean, maybe just... DON’T make video games that center around real historical battles and wars. Unless it’s some sort of interactive educational program, I find video games that depict real world wars super gross and in poor taste. 

“Not sure if the ship’s registration could be transferred to the US after it’s already been flagged elsewhere - I’m not a maritime law expert - but I’m sue it’s probably a mess.”

Then the business had no place operating in the first place.

Let them register their ships stateside and pay taxes and then we’ll look into giving them assistance in a year or two.

I vote that the vast majority of people will not give a shit, then Dunham will say it’s because we’re body-shaming her.

I look forward to Emily VanDerWurff’s review proclaiming this the greatest American novel and calling out the sexism of everyone who disagrees

I hope she ends up with Boaty McBoatface.

I’m going to put this in the “These Are The End Times” evidence pile.

I’ve heard of a novel virus, but a novel book?

Remember when she wrote about putting pebbles into her sister’s vagina when her sister was a fucking baby? That shit’s insane.

Damn it. I had actually successfully forgotten about her. Really. Then she haaaaaad to pop up again. Christ almighty.....