The Secret of the Stickiness
The Secret of the Stickiness
Me too. Most such movies of kids doing a lot of drugs and drinking and having a lot of sex just serve to remind me how not-within-100-miles of being invited to those sorts of parties I was a kid. And I resent it.
It’s kind of a problem here. There is FUCK TON of Armchair Epidemiologists all of a sudden here in the Kinjaverse, with an added layer of Performative Pessimism, which I think is what people switch to when everyone is in even less of a mood than normal for regular Virtue Signalling.
Be aware that any time in a movie or video game that ‘the North Koreans’ are shown to be the villains, it’s both intended and understood as ‘the Chinese’ but hollywood needs the potential to earn at least a little money in China so they say the quiet part quietly.
Still, that is a nice collection of butts up top there.
Yep; both of these are pretty obviously trying to slyly slide into the role of ‘Spiritual Sequel to ‘Air Force One’’.
Fox and it’s many hosts/anchors/whatevs all exist as a huge, HUGE counterpoint to the idea that ‘New York City is so progressive!’
Christianity isn’t very good.
I admit: in like 1 more week I’m going to be positively EAGER to see Onward on Disney+.
Yes. Same thing with MBA students; as redonk as the price tag of an MBA is, I think of a lot of it gets ‘prospectively financed’: When you’re being for your first post-MBA job (at least from a brand-name program), your signing bonus is often the entire cost of your graduate education + a healthy dollop on top.
Would you believe: Rachet and Clank: All 4 One for PS3? The local co-op lets me and Mrs. Willow or one of us and one of the Willowchildren to play together. The ‘teamwork’ perfect—it’s a game absolutely DESIGNED for players to yell, “Need a little help here!”—is great.
Sid from Toy Story is a *dead ringer* for about 2 or 3 boys I grew up with who ALL went on to be juvenile arsonists. They were the sort of kids who by high school were going to class in a surge-space trailer on the edge of the parking lot.
I dunno, we had tickets as family to go see the road show of the Oscar Winning Animated Shorts last weekend. Needless to say that didn’t happen. We’ve taken our kid before and all loved it.
It’s a lot cheaper to keep workforces of ‘theoretical’ instructors on staff—just offices and desks—so I imagine it’s the preferred model for colleges too. None of that high-overhead business of maintaining theaters and sound mixing stations and editing studios—or, as you say, printing presses.
I live in a small rural county 5 hours outside New York City. We have one hospital with 100 beds. The director recently told the news that they have 25 ventilators.
Are ‘films’ even being made anymore or are there just human workforces laboring on behalf of a computer program at Disney headquarters with the next 40 Marvel and Star Wars films algorithmically scripted out already?
Maybe. It’s something where I imagine the longer you are out the world of professional theater/film/TV production, the more theoretical your knowledge becomes.
Almost certainly the second one. I imagine Scorsese and Spike have better things to do than teach 4 to 8 credits a semester.
Are there even any of those or are they all nontenured, temporary ‘professors of practice’ who are teaching there because they don’t actually have the wherewithal to actually perform anything?
Standalone master’s degrees are sort of the sweet spot for universities as moneymakers: The students are adults so they pay more of their own tuition BUT they aren’t research students/PhD candidates so they don’t need to worry about getting them any sort of assistantships or other funding. It’s pure profit to sell…