
Y’see like this is my complaint about NYC in general: Everyone with any sense needs to leave (and no I don’t live there myself and am not angling for others to leave to ‘I can enjoy it’; I didn’t enjoy it and left already, thanks). Are you in finance or television production? No? Then there is no longer any reason to

Eh. I decided long ago that it wasn’t a very appealing character. New York City is like any given person from Lost

Any article on student debt horror stories always includes a mention of someone who went to NYU. They are like offender #1. I think they have--successfully--angled to capture a share of the ‘starry-eyed teen arrives in the big city’ market. 

Does Sandra Oh have any facial expressions beyond “just was or just is about to be hit with a large fish”?

Someone’s got to say it: This video game was better than the movie it was based on. In fact, I can think of five or six Star Wars movies this is video game is better than . . .

I really want a breakout of “NYC and adjacent counties” versus the rest of the state. I live in NYS but our county has 16 cases. Two weeks ago we had 11. Seems like we are handling it.

You don’t know what ‘logarithmic’ means, do you?

During Katrina, armed police officers blocked both major bridges out of New Orleans. They shot people who tried to cross and used helicopters to blow away their tents. Blocking off major cities is very much ‘how this country works’.

The analogy I keep thinking of is AIDS: Before too long everyone knew what caused it, knew you could avoid it with condoms and clean needles . . . but the discos never closed and Fire Island was wild every summer. Harsh as it is, most people prefer to live a bit before they die.

Calling it now: This year’s top “Sexy” Halloween costume: Nothing but three strategically placed N95 masks.

So, what do we all think about this year’s Halloween costumes? Will girls wearing nothing but three strategically placed N95 masks (surely in wide supply by then) be sexy, funny or neither?

Well for starters, they only just built this boat fer chrissakes.

So about as many as we killed in Iraq OR Vietnam?

It was great when it did about 75% of the heavy lifting in defeating Hitler. Seriously, Normandy was a stupid sideshow. Hitler was defeated by the USSR in the East, full stop.

I’m already living comfortably on my monthly SorosBux checks that I get.

Eh. Given the way we chew up and spit out celebrities eventually--ESPECIALLY young women--makes me subscribe to the Frustrated Paganism thesis: That what we really want to do is sacrifice one or two of these sultry Pop Tarts every winter solstice to make the sun come back and propitiate the gods. But instead we just

I like to think of myself as a sex toy. I’ll suggest to the woman in my life that she wash me, too.

I like to think of myself as a sex toy. I’ll suggest to the woman in my life that she wash me, too.

Why not? We used to remanufacture ships all the time. As a kid in school we went to the Buffalo and Erie County Naval Park and saw the USS Little Rock. There was a whole exhibit about how it was stripped to the waterline and rebuilt from a standard heavy-gun WW2 cruiser to a Korean War era missile cruiser.

Each large-ticket military thingy we build is essentially a net socioeconomic defeat for us. This, the Littoral Combat Ship, the F-35, the Osprey, whatever that scout/tank/APC vehicle was/is, Space Force, that gas that was supposed to turn enemy soldiers gay, Star Wars: Each one of these is just a giant embodiment of

After getting burned a bunch of times—especially by straight men (queers and other genders are generally way kinder)