
I can’t wait to be old enough and hammered enough in a bar at 2:30 in the afternoon that a punch to the head from a pro fighter doesn’t even phase me. A young, drunk buck would have tried to retaliate. This grizzled old man doesn’t even give McGregor the satisfaction of being preturbed.

As the owner of an '85 GS with a GSL swapped rear end: you are correct.

I believe there is an antiquated law still on the books in New Orleans that states that any woman driving a car in New Orleans must be lead by her flag-waving husband.

Yep. I don’t think it was until the EG hatch came out that they fixed this.

I’d rather a VTEC swap from Mini Tec for way less.

16 years old, ‘99 Contour SVT, hauled ass through a left hand turn off a highway (intersection was clear), quickly approach a slower vehicle on the two lane road I had just turned onto, and went to pass him in the oncoming lane. Turns out, he was "slower traffic" because he was turning left onto a side street. He

So, like, an Explorer SporTrac would be the ultimate entrance, right? A 302 swap (or whatever Ford V8 is easiest to swap) and a barely existent bed would make both parts of the challenge easier.

So, does a shitty coach of a shitty team ever think: “Hey, I’m going to suck whether I get 2 hours of sleep or 8 hours, so I’m clocking out at 5."?

The only thing different from a 2-rotor and the 3-rotor is a crankshaft. It’s literally 50% more parts (that you can find for any 2-rotor) with a longer crankshaft.

He does. Fuck him and every other two-bit, hack, ambulance chasing, piece of shit, waste of space lawyer in this god forsaken state.

I think it’s a Ricoh GR21.

I want this or Australian V8 Supercars.

I’m betting that someone (the tech) said, “Uhhh, Mr. Brown, you need to wear foot protection.” To which AB replied, “I ain’t a bitch; turn this fucker on.”

Good lord, I remember Veilside and AB Flug advertisements everywhere in car mags when I was a kid.

+1 for “ayooga era accoutrement”

Do you honestly believe that the Pats would have gone to 9 of the last 17 Superbowls if they had the 20th ranked defense every year?

League Rankings Avg Def Points Allowed:

I’m actually excited to see my gray creeping in; “Salt and pepper” or full Ted Danson “Silver Fox”, I’m here for it.

Drew Brees would like a word.

“In some parts of the country, it does seem like the America that we know and love doesn’t exist anymore. Massive demographic changes have been foisted on the American people, and they are changes that none of us ever voted for, and most of us don’t like.”