
Is the steering numb?

So, he’s like Happy Gilmore? Run-up included and everything. Watch out, Shooter McGavin! He’s already wearing Subway’s colors, too.

There’s too much nuance to make it black and white “battle or yield”. If you’re in last place, a mile off the pace, and multiple cars (i.e P1 and P2 are in a battle) are coming up on you, get out of the way. But if there are 20 cars in the field, you’re in 6th place, and the leader is coming up on you, it’s his job to

I get this. However, I'm a 6'4" 195lbs NON-athlete. If I'm in a street fight an don't know either Amir or Puig, I'll take my chances with Amir 100% of the time. Both will handlely stomp a proper mudhole in my ass, though.

I know these guys are all professional athletes, but if I'm a Pirates player, there's no way in hell I'm getting anywhere near to squaring up with Puig. That guy's titty muscle is bigger than my head.

I’ve always preferred “na’mean?” over “knowm sayin’?”

Man... And I thought GS-R head swapped CRVs were cool...

I actually turned down an offer to drive a Ferrari 456 because I didn’t want it to disappoint.

The year is 2036, and veteran QB Andrew Luck is starting his 100th NFL game after being sidelined (out of fear by ownership) with various injuries, maladies, and booboos over the last 20 years.

Yeah, but just think: if you would have started with something nicer, you would have never had the cops called on you for falling asleep at a gas pump or randomly sitting in a neighborhood in the middle of the night! That’s worth the price of admission alone.

I really love this.

This is something I can get behind. If reports get out that X player is being traded to Y team for Z player(s), you severely fine those teams involved. This works also for free agency; although I do think it would take away some sub-Tier-1 players leverage if their agents can’t play the “he’s seriously considering

I think it got shelved after Clay Matthews got flagged like, 3 weeks in a row for damn near form-perfect tackles, and the media eviscerated the refs.

...helped in part by “a major pro-Brexit donor being investigated over ties to Russia” who has “poured tens of thousands of pounds into a campaign to persuade members of the anti-immigrant U.K. Independence Party to become Conservatives,”...

I worked out of an office in Gretna for nearly a decade. I lived in Gretna for 3ish years. Fuck Gretna.

It’s going to be Saints fans. We are loud, petty, and dumb. The article will be powered by the rocket fuel that is two straight unbelievable playoff losses, and it will bring out all of the loud, petty, and dumb.

Smoothie King Center in New Orleans scans to get into the premium area. An old boss had season tickets under the basket that he would give to me a few times a year, and they would scan and give you a wristband to get into that area.

I originally put this clip on my power cable to keep the cable from falling through the hole in my desk when unplugged from the computer. Turns out, my incessant knee bouncing hits the cable enough to cause this clip to rattle on my desk, which drives me nuts. I’ll stop bouncing my knees for a bit, but I’ll eventually

I hope that when he gets called into Pitaro’s office, LeBatard tells him to go fuck himself.

Exactly. The camo shots made the rear deck look way too long. While the long rear deck looks good on a Zonda, it is a tough design to pull off. This looks very well proportioned.