
I’m training my 3 year old to walk on my back as a “game”.

Holy shit! Keyboard Brakes! What a great idea! Disables your keyboard either via time range or BAC reading from a breathalyzer.

Preach. Pirellis are super quiet. I drove back-to-back a 2014 and 2016 Ford Escape EcoBoost (Same spec, wheels, etc), one on Pirelli Cinturato P7s and the other on factory Continentals, and the difference was night and day.

You know who else is 6'8" and 280lbs? LeBron James. Let’s check in to see how ESPN is responding to that:

I can't believe solar tech is still less than 50% efficiency.

Ran Cinturatos on two Ford Escapes and an Outback for 6-8 years. Love that tire. A little weak in the wet, but very quiet and comfortable.

I'm going to have so many "Oh shit! I forgot he plays for them now" moments during the regular season.

That’s... not how it works.

Defender arrived too late. When he established position, the offensive player was already jumping.

I turned 31 this summer, and a lot has changed in my life. One thing that apparently hasn’t changed is the Gran Turismo-addled, teenage boner I get from seeing the V6 Clio. Such an amazingly cool, absolutely bonkers car.

I fell asleep halfway through this garbage-ass column.

As a dumb American who only watches the World Cups, Lavelle looked like the best player on the pitch in the first half. She was everywhere doing every thing. I was really bummed to see her go down.

This. If you put it in housing terms: imagine you’re a developer who built out a subdivision selling houses for $500k. You still have developmental space in your subdivision a couple years later when a early buyer decides to sell their house for $200k. Who in the hell is going to buy a new house in that subdivision

Okay, so hear me out. Instead of buying a track day car, buy an enclosed trailer and a truck to tow it with. Buy 5 shifter karts, buy spare parts and tools for everything, gather up 4 friends, buy them racing suits and helmets, and have more fun and go faster than just about any car will give you.

I want an adaptation of this for the Pels logo. Color the pelican like a brown Pelican, do a blue and red background, and make the kid all white. It’ll look like the NBA logo and a team logo. Harmonious!

Considering he's only got 1" and 40lbs on me, it would cost a lot. Being that I'm also a Saints and LSU fan, it would be exorbitant.

Clearly, at some point in his career, Kyrie has done a phone interview with a radio show or television show. Someone has to be able to find those clips for comparisons sake.

All I can think about now is Kyrie arguing with someone and yelling, "I don't give a fuck. I'm gonna do KyME!"