
Counter point: Don’t wear your golds while playing a contact sport. Fucking hair is fair game; you think your chain will survive?

Give him a break, he’s the only player on Louisville’s sorry-ass team to score points today.

Does the TSA fear that if you pet the dog, he’d be like, “I know you’ve got a couple grams on you, but that ear scratch was hella good. We’re cool, dude.”

Two things:

Don’t worry, Guice will run all over Louisville just like Fournette would have.


Every Sunday from 2003 to 2015, starting at 3pm CST, I was on FG looking for the newest episode. It was a huge part of my life, and I continue to rewatch old episodes now. For me, it will never be better than the stretch from Series 6 to Series 12.

Series 7, Episode 3 (The France Trip) was my favorite episode for many years. It still may be, actually. Jezza’s speech about car decisions being a matter of love and not logic still gives me goosebumps.

I grew up ~25 miles due north from where Coach O grew up, and I thank my lucky stars every goddamn day that I don’t sound like him.

Anthony Davis followed 50/16 with a 45/17 game in another loss against GSW. As a Pels fan, I feel sorry for the guy. Then I remember he’s being paid $150M.

How about white politicians stop gerrymandering (and fix previous gerrymandering) voting and school districts to keep voiceless, poor black people voiceless and poor? Maybe if they were given an equal opportunity, they wouldn’t have to make you uncomfortable while you watch football.


What radio station do you listen to? ESPN has Mike & Mike, LeBatard, local show (Sports Hangover), Rusillo & Cannell, local show (After Further Review). NBC has those fuckwits from Chicago, DP, Rich Eisen, and Jay Mohr.

In 2008, it was a $15 charge, and they had a 2 drink minimum. A beer and a whiskey & coke was $20. I’ve never gone to a strip club again.

Fuck off.

How would you have prefered it to end? Hospitilaztion? Death? Gun fire? Stabbing? Riot? Police? Medics?

I feel bad for Ben Watson. He seems like a genuinely good dude, and I was so happy that an elite quarterback last year got him paid this year. It’s going to suck this year seeing him get beat to shit while his quarterback is broken in half on the ground.

Yeah, a 3 piece and a brief case look real good next to the grill and pool. Enjoy your “big boy trousers," though!

Typically, I just bitch and moan and be uncomfortable with bulging pockets on my jeans in the winter. I do wear cargo pants for work, though.

I’m a right handed man that carries his wallet in his back left pocket. What lie is my life?